Because of COVID rules, Anel can't leave our hospital room once we get in so we want to be way overprepared for our stay. Last time, he was able to come and go as he...
A few weeks ago, I went into full-on nesting mode, realizing that I had done almost nothing to prepare for baby boy so I frantically shopped online for diapers, wipes, burp cloths, gripe water, gas...
My MO while pregnant with food, skincare, and everything else is to be as clean as possible but without driving myself crazy. It's easy to get overly obsessive and especially the second time around, I'm...
I held off on wearing maternity clothes for as long as possible this pregnancy. With nowhere to go and no one to see these days, it wasn't hard! I mostly live in leggings and joggers...
Excluding the last few weeks, my second trimester has been pretty great physically which was a shock and surprise because I didn't feel that in my first pregnancy. I felt really good for most of...
When you have a baby, it's amazing how friends and family surround you with love and bring lots of homemade meals and onesies for the baby. In a very overwhelming and scary time, it feels...