Beach Bound

Real winter has finally settled in here in New York City which made my fiancé and I start to feel antsy for some sunshine. Instead of complaining about it, we were proactive last week and booked a long-weekend trip to Puerto Rico in April for his birthday! We found super affordable airfare (I always sign up for Kayak alerts when I know I need to buy tickets for something), and a fabulous hotel. Our mission: sleep, get a tan, drink mojitos, read books that we love, and enjoy each other’s company. Three months to go and counting…

Here is my Puerto Rico wish list including a fancy-looking version of my favorite book, The Great Gatsby.

1. Kate Spade Sunglasses
2. The Great Gatsby
3. J.Crew Bracelet
4. J.Crew Bathing Suit
5. Blithe & Buoyant Tote
6. Jack Rogers Sandals

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  1. Brooke said:

    I wish I could be beach bound just like you! I also love love love that book and those sunglasses!

    1.17.12 · Reply
  2. bee said:

    I love the beach and wish that I could be headed to the beach as well!
    Have fun down there and have fun reading that book!

    1.17.12 · Reply
  3. Erin Fiore said:

    Lovin’ the new photoshop skills! And that floating bed is not too shabby either 🙂

    1.17.12 · Reply
  4. Rachel @Healthy Chicks said:

    Sounds like the perfect winter getaway! With chilly weather in Boston lately, I’ve been itching to get out too. Word on the street is my father’s planning some kind of family vacation for March, so fingers crossed it’s somewhere warm & tropical. I’m always happier with a tan and some sand on my toes ; )

    1.18.12 · Reply