What in the holy snow day/sick day hell are we living in you guys? Parents everywhere are losing their minds, myself included. It's been stomach bug after cold after flu after no sleep and on...
It's January 28th as I type this and the reason it's taken me this long is because I've been struggling a lot with how to approach 2025. Last year was a struggle for me. Physically...
Ok here is the official weirdest topic I've ever written about but LFG. Mouth taping is a new wellness trend that it is exactly what it sounds like... when you quite literally tape your mouth shut...
Well this has certainly been quite the start to the year hasn't it? With LA fires still raging and a new terrifying presidency beginning, I'm feeling lots of anxiety but trying to find peace in...
I read a total of 28 books this year and loved a lot, liked many, and really hated a few. But in the spirit of positivity, I'm sharing only my favorites here today, 11 in...
We are in full fall mode over here with pumpkins on the stoop and soup in the slow cooker at all times. If you haven't made the sweet potato soup I posted last week, I...