Beautify Your Work Space

{Silk fake pink peonies in a Mason jar}

Most Americans spend at least 40 hours of their week at work. That adds up to 8 hours every single day! I know plenty of people who spend a ton of money, time, and energy decorating their homes, but their offices are sparse, void of color, and kind of depressing. I like to make sure that the space in which I spend most of my time represents who I am, energizes me, and looks beautiful. I fill it with little objects and photos that bring a smile to my face. The little things can make a huge difference. Here are a few examples!

{Me and my sister as kids, my baby brother, a note from Anel that says “I love you” in Bosnian}

{Organic hand lotions in a Venetian glass bowl}

{My calming buddha statue}

{Me and my sister running on the beach in Martha’s Vineyard}

{Plants in front of my window to bring extra life into the room}

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