Lemon Dress

c/o Chicwish lemon dress, Design Darling earrings, old clutch (similar), Louise et Cie pumps, Nars Schiap lipstick, c/o Ben Amun ring, Ray Ban aviators

Today is a day that, 10 years ago, I thought I would dread. Today I’m turning 30. Today,  I’m more than excited for the next decade. In the next decade I hope to start a family, buy my first home, grow my blog and career, and generally kick some ass (If all goes to plan!).

Looking back on my 20s, I feel so proud of where I’ve come. I graduated from college (which feels like a lifetime ago) and have worked at 3 incredible companies, growing my career from a sales assistant at Condé Nast to Sales Director at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition to running my own business to being the Marketing Director at Nourish Snacks today. I moved three times from LA to NYC (I survived 4 tiny apartments on the Upper East Side) to CT. I broke up with a boyfriend that I didn’t like very much at all, dated some horrifying human beings in New York and then met and married the love of my life. I watched my family fall apart when my parents divorced and then watched it build back into something new and different. Then I became a big sister again! I started Lemon Stripes (Fun fact: It was first named Lemons & Loafers) and grew it into a blog that I’m so proud of. I also have gotten a better handle on my anxiety and sleeping issues and have learned to care a whole lot less about what other people think.

Everyone says that your 30s are so much better than your 20s because you’re more comfortable in your own skin and more confident as a person. Those are two things that in the last few months I’ve started to feel and I look forward to seeing how those feelings continue to grow.

In the meantime, I thought I’d share a few important lessons that I learned in my 20s. In other news, how perfect is this dress?

Lemon Pattern Dress


When you get married, you’re forced to learn about compromise. Otherwise the relationship is pretty much destined to go up in flames. My husband and I are both great communicators but compromise was tough for us for a long time We’re both stubborn, type-A leaders but when we realized that having our own way all the time harmed our relationship, we wizened up and now have a pretty good balance of give and take. This took almost 5 years for us to figure out!

Lemon Navy Dress

Let it go

I still have trouble with this but I’m learning to stop sweating the small stuff. In the long run, it’s not worth it.


Eat the effing cookie

Taking care of your body is hugely important but once in a while it’s ok to indulge. One cookie will NOT make you fat I promise. Sometimes you have to live a little.

But don’t have that last drink

When I’m out drinking with friends there is always a tipping point where I am pretty tipsy but just want to stay for one more drink. I’ve learned in the last few years that it’s usually not worth it when I’m hungover the next day at work. I’ve realized that if I’m not ready to go home, it’s ok to get a club soda or a glass of water with lemon and stay a little longer. You can still have fun without drinking more than you need to.

Lemons and Stripes

Appreciating alone time

In college and my early 20s, I always surrounded myself with friends. I’d go out on nights when I was exhausted just to be around people! Today, I appreciate alone time and definitely don’t feel like a “loser” when I spend nights on my own. Quite the opposite in fact.

Success takes work

Whether it’s a job, a blog, a friendship, a relationship, or a home, if you want success in any area of life, you have to hustle. Success isn’t about luck or charm, it’s about working your ass off… With a little bit of luck and charm thrown in of course.

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  1. Beth Quill said:

    Happy birthday, Julia! Your blog is beautiful and I love these lessons. Sounds like all is well!

    7.9.15 · Reply
  2. Red Reticule said:

    Happy birthday! It’s a big one and the next decade is going to be exciting! This dress is so lovely.

    Red Reticule

    7.9.15 · Reply
  3. Caitlin @ Tulle Wedding Skirts said:

    Happy 30th!! Good life lessons – I agree with them 🙂

    7.9.15 · Reply
  4. Allison Shook said:

    Happy Birthday Julia!!!! I love all of your advice and will definitely try to implement it throughout my 20s. I wish you all the best in your next decade and hope you will keep us posted on how to navigate this next chapter!

    7.9.15 · Reply
  5. Meghan Donovan of wit & whimsy said:

    Welcome to the club! I love it already after not even a month!

    7.9.15 · Reply
  6. Jess Zimlich said:

    Happy happy birthday! May 30 be the best one yet 🙂

    7.9.15 · Reply
  7. Anne [A Squared] said:

    Happy birthday! I’m a month away from 31 and can honestly say that this decade is my favorite yet… Enjoy it!

    7.9.15 · Reply
  8. Samantha Tananbaum said:

    Happy 30th! Such great perspective & advice. I’ll be joining you in the 30 club at the end of August, and I’m actually not dreading it like I thought I would be. Happy to hear you’re in a great place as you enter a new decade, and can’t wait to see where life takes you next!


    7.9.15 · Reply
  9. Alyssa Thomas said:

    Happy Birthday! You look gorgeous and have so many things to celebrate!

    Alyssa | Glitter and Grey

    7.9.15 · Reply
  10. Liv said:

    Happy Birthday. Here’s to another fabulous year.



    7.9.15 · Reply
  11. Preeti said:

    happy birthday! love this post and this look!

    xoxo, Preeti

    7.9.15 · Reply
  12. Katie said:

    Happy Birthday Julia!


    7.9.15 · Reply
  13. Mandie said:

    Happy Birthday Julia! Hope you have exciting and fun plans to celebrate! Also, great advice. I am in my 20s now and all of your advice I took to heart.


    7.9.15 · Reply
  14. Samantha Cossick said:

    Happy Birthday, Julia! What a great post & look to celebrate this milestone personally & professional! I always love reading your blog. Have a great day! — SC at http://www.samanthachic.com

    7.9.15 · Reply
  15. K said:

    Happy Birthday. LOVE this dress. It looks much more fun and carefree than on the link. Is it really the same dress? Great advice and I especially appreciate your candor re: compromise. Getting your own way can be great, but it can be lonely. It’s good to find that balance as you may find you like something done a different way even better.
    My 30s were great – though the end of my 20s were spectacular and I too moved several times – at 27 to LA from NJ and now I’m in MA. The moving was the best thing I ever did for me. It sounds like you too benefited from those moves too.
    I’m a new follower and enjoying your posts. Do just love your dress. Definitely confirm it’s the same!
    Have a great b-day week/month/year! K of TAF

    7.9.15 · Reply
  16. Hallie Wilson said:

    Happy birthday to one gorgeous gal inside-and-out. Loved this post — miss you mucho!

    7.10.15 · Reply
  17. Paola Blanc said:

    Great post, happy birthday Julia!

    7.10.15 · Reply
  18. Kelly Daily said:

    Happy Birthday! Love the dress. Thank you for sharing these insights!

    7.10.15 · Reply
  19. Kelly in the City said:

    Awwww! Happy birthday, Julia! Thirty truly is awesome… I hope you have a wonderful next decade. 😉 xoxo!!

    7.10.15 · Reply
  20. Sophie Zang said:

    Such a cute summer dress!

    7.11.15 · Reply
  21. Victoria Frizone said:

    Hi Julia! Love your blog and the content. It’s very original. Totally relate to this post in particular! 🙂 Hope you had a wonderful birthday!

    7.19.15 · Reply
  22. Joyce Novacek said:

    I really enjoyed this post. “Eat the effing cookie” sounds like something that should be put on a tee shirt!

    7.25.15 · Reply
  23. Varuna jithesh said:

    Nice and perfect looking outfit..

    3.1.18 · Reply