Gassy Babies

Now here’s a glamorous topic for you… gassy babies! Amalia was a great eater and sleeper for her first 3.5 weeks, then all of a sudden, gas and spit up hit with a vengeance. The first day, I thought it was something I ate, so I spent the next few days watching my diet super closely and being extra careful, but nothing changed.

I talked to our doctor, our lactation consultant, a friend who’s a nurse, and some mom friends, and learned that babies often get gassy from 4-6 weeks because their digestive systems are still forming. How fun for us!

It will literally keep her up for over an hour sometimes at night, and it breaks my heart. Luckily she doesn’t cry or scream, she just gets super fussy and red faced trying to get it out.

I’d love to know what tips you guys have for gassy babies. This is what I’ve tried so far:

1. Feeding her at a more elevated angle. That seems to help a lot with spit up, but not gas.
2. Avoiding dairy, “gassy” veggies (like onions, cabbage, garlic, broccoli, cauliflower, etc), chocolate, and caffeine. I’m trying not to be too crazy, but I’ve noticed that when I eat these foods, it’s worse for her. Not worth it!
3. Giving her Little Remedies Gas Relief Drops after every afternoon/evening feeding and that tones it down.
4. A reader (Hi Laura!) emailed me yesterday recommending the Fridababy Windi. I actually had it but was too afraid to use it. Today, I tried it for the first time and it was magical! Within a matter of minutes, Amalia was calm and asleep after using it. I like the idea of using this instead of over-the-counter products when possible. Obviously only use this when absolutely necessary as babies can get dependent on it.
5. Putting her in the Rock ‘n Play for daytime naps so she’s elevated. This helps with spit up more than anything else.
6. Pumping her legs like a bicycle to help the gas move through her tummy.

So tell me what’s worked for you… I’ll take all the help I can get!

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