Now that I’m going on 4 months (!) sober, I’ve noticed how many restaurants have mocktail/zero-proof/non-alcoholic drink menus. It’s so fun to be able to order something fancy that feels special while out with friends or family if you’re not drinking at the moment. The other night I went out with some friends and had the most amazing No-Groni that just hit the spot.
But many restaurants don’t have a list of fancy mocktails to choose from. No mocktail menu? No problem! Order one of my go-to drinks and be sure to ask for a glass that they would normally use for a cocktail. Something about the hand-feel of a nice glass makes a big difference for me.
6 Simple Mocktails to Order at a Restaurant
Ginger & Soda: This was my pregnancy go-to order mostly because it helped curb my nausea but it is also light, easy, and tasty. I ask for half soda water or seltzer and half ginger ale with lime.
Soda with a Splash: Another easy order is club soda/seltzer with a splash of your favorite juice. I usually go for apple juice because I’m apparently I’m a child but pineapple, cranberry, and orange juices would be a more civilized choice 🙂
NoJito: Aka a virgin mojito made with club soda, muddled mint leaves, sugar/simple syrup, and lime.
Bitters & Soda: The added bitters make this mocktail feel a little more sophisticated than the others on the list. Since we’re usually used to bitters in a cocktail, it tastes more like an actual cocktail too.
Virgin Margarita: Ask for a virgin margarita or simply a mix of lime juice, orange juice, club soda with a splash of lemon and a little agave or simple syrup. Bonus points for a salt rim!
NoPaloma: I’ve been making these at home a lot (will share my recipe soon!) but have the bartender mix grapefruit juice, club soda, lime, and agave or simple syrup. I like to add a salt rim here too to make it feel fancier.
Virgin Martini: A cup with olives. Kidding 🙂