The other day as I was reading to Amalia, I had the idea for a new series: “Our 10 Favorite Books”. I’m planning to post a list of our current favorites every few months.
Reading with my parents is something that I remember doing vividly from a very early age, so we started reading to A very early on, maybe at two weeks or so. She now loves it, and twists her head to stare at her bookshelf when she wants us to read to her. When we finish a book, she’ll look again for another one. We keep reading to her until she stops. It’s pretty amazing!
Ok proud mom moment over. Here are our 10 favorite books right now. Amalia is currently 4 months old.
1. Pop Art Baby: My sister picked up this colorful book at a shop in San Francisco before coming to meet Amalia. I thought it would just be another random addition to our collection but it’s her number one all time fave book, hands down. Maybe it’s the simple but colorful pages, or the length or the black outlines of the design, but she can look at it over and over again in one sitting.
2. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom: This was my favorite book as a kid so it was the first one I bought for her. It’s slightly long for her age, but she likes the colors and probably gets happy because I get so excited by it.
3. Goodnight Gorilla: The sweet story of the zoo keeper who accidentally lets all the animals out while his wife has to let them back in pretty much sums up marriage! I’m kidding… kind of. I remember reading this one to Jackson so it brings back a lot of great memories to now be reading it to Amalia too.
4. Peek-a Who?: This one is short but sweet and ends with a mirror. Babies love to stare at themselves so it’s been a hit in our house.
5. Little Blue Truck: I love the story and message of this book, even if A can’t understand it yet. This is another one that I’m not sure why she loves it so much, but she does.
6. Snuggle Puppy: We can’t get enough of all the Sandra Boynton books (I think we have all of them), but this is Amalia’s favorite because it is also a song. We kind of make it up every time but you can listen to the real version here. It’s so cute and makes her break out in a giant smile. This gift set of her greatest hits would make an amazing holiday gift for new moms!
7. Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs: I don’t know why, but I always end up reaching for this book first. It’s not more special than any other book but out of this list, it’s probably my favorite.
8. Moo Bah La La La: Another great Sandra Boynton classic.
8. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt: This was another one of my childhood faves so it makes me nostalgic to read. It’s probably a little too old for her, but I’ve noticed that she likes the colorful pages more than the black and white ones so we just skip those.
9. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Amalia is on the fence about this book but I love it so I’m including it on this list. It’s obviously a children’s classic and I think she’ll grow into loving it soon.
10. Jamberry: I was getting pretty sick of all the books above so I picked this one up the other day and it’s becoming one of our go-tos very quickly.
What are your favorite books for babies 0-6 months? We’re always looking for new ones that will make her smile.
Did you know Sandra Boyton lives in Connecticut ?
I didn’t! So cool.
We love all the Llama Llama board books, especially the holiday versions. My son always giggled during them.
We just bought “On the night you were born” and it brings tears to my eyes reading it before bed with my son.
I have On the Night but she doesn’t love it yet… maybe in a few months. Good call on Llama Llama! I used to read those with my baby brother. I bet she’ll like them too!
Pat the Bunny was a big hit in our house. I think my daughter liked the textures at first and now that she’s older she still likes waving at “Paul & Judy”
Oh my gosh I forgot about Pat the Bunny, good call!
We loved Little Blue Truck so much. Wait until Amalia gets older and she can make the animal noises as you read! Some others we loved were Mr Brown Can Moo Can You by Dr Seuss, and anything by Chris Van Dusen (especially the Dee and Mr Magee books)
That makes me want to cry! So excited for that. Thanks for the recs, will check them all out.
The pout pout fish books. ❤❤❤
Goodnight Moon is a classic! Jingle Bugs and 12 Bugs of Christmas are also really cute for the Holidays!
She can’t get into Goodnight Moon yet, but I’m hoping in a couple of months, it’s more her style. I’ll look up the Bugs books, thank you 🙂
OMG that makes my heart so happy!