Our 2020 Halloween Plans

Halloween is hitting a little different this year. I didn’t think Amalia would remember much from last Halloween but she somehow can recall every single detail… including the house with a pet pig that came to the door. Although who could forget that?

She has been talking non-stop about her fairy princess costume and trick-or-treating and while I want it to be fun for her, I also want to keep things safe. Cases in Connecticut are spiking again so we’ve made plans with a close group of neighbors so that our kiddos can have a special night without us feeling nervous.

On Instagram, I asked what you guys are up to for the holiday, and got over 1000 responses about your Halloween plans! I’ve shared the most common plans below.

One thing I heard over and over again was that people are having Easter egg-type hunts with Halloween candy either in their houses or backyards. I thought that was so cute and am going to incorporate it into our plans as well. And the majority of responses mentioned trick-or-treating but only to a few houses of close friends and wearing masks.

Read about what we’re up to and some cute ideas from other moms below! And share your plans if you have other ideas. I’m all ears.

Are your kids dressing up for Halloween this year?
Your answers: 97% yes, 3% no
My answer: Yes! Amalia picked out a very cute “fairy princess” costume and insists she also needs to wear lipstick. It has since sold out but is very similar to this one and this one (both on sale).

Will your kids go trick or treating?
Your answers: 58% yes, 42% no
My answer: We’re doing a hybrid trick-or-treating situation in my neighborhood to minimize contact. We have a little cul-de-sac nearby and we’re organizing it so different houses set up tables… one with pizza, one with candy, one with another treat, etc. Kids can grab their own food/candy from each table with minimal contact. We’ll have them masked up except when they’re eating.

Are you going to a “trunk or treat” party?
Your answers: 87% yes, 13% no
My answer: Yes! Her classroom is throwing a little outdoor trunk or treat party during the day with the kids she already sees every day. They have to wear masks but it’s going to be so cute to see all of her little buddies dressed up.

Plans at Home

  • Halloween at home with pizza, movies, lots of candy, and dressing up!
  • Hiding candy and little items around the house (think Easter egg hunt but for Halloween), going on a walk through the neighborhood to look for spooky decorations, Halloween music dance party, pumpkin carving/decorating. (I have a 4 and 2-year-old)
  • Indoor “trick or treating” with our Pod. Parents will be in rooms with doors closed, and kids will come to knock and get treats!
  • Hosting a few neighbors we’ve been seeing for outdoor “carnival” games – piñata, pin the spider on the spiderweb, toss candy into witches cauldrons, etc.
  • Halloween movies, pumpkin carving, silly games, treats, fun Halloween themed dinner food, just my immediate family.
  • Stay home & watch Hocus Pocus with candy.
  • They will dress up the day before at school. Day of we are decorating sugar cookies, painting some ceramics, and watching movies!
  • Our daughter will trick or treat at each “house” in our home. I will decorate several doors and give her candy at each stop we take.

Trick-Or-Treating Plans

  • Only visiting houses in the neighborhood that have a “snack station” table set up outside for grab and go treats. Not knocking on any doors to limit personal interactions.
  • My daughter is 3 and will wear a mask when she goes up to each door. We won’t do as many houses as last year and will focus more on the fun and playing with cousins.
  • We’ll wear masks and take our daughter to a few houses in the neighborhood of people we know. She’s 2, so she doesn’t need anything crazy.
  • Trick or treat from 6 feet! Neighbors encouraged to sit in the driveway 6 feet away from candy that kids will help themselves to.
  • Going to my mom’s house so my son can ring the doorbell in his costume. We’ll be playing spooky games and having dinner there.
  • We are going trick or treating to friends homes who will be home. Not going in a large group or going to strangers’ homes.
  • We live on a double cul de sac and plan to go around our street as we usually do. But the adults have all agreed to wear masks (with occasional sips for our cocktails) and kids wear masks also.
  • Small parade outside with direct neighbors
  • Socially distant outdoor scavenger hunt party then family trick or treating – from baskets left out, no doorbell ringing, and no eating candy on the walk! Masks up gloves on!
  • Our neighbors are all wearing masks to hand out candy and I will do a quick sanitize on the candy when we get home just to be safe since it will likely be touched by more people than a normal grocery item for example

What are your 2020 Halloween plans?

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