Happy Monday, folks! This weekend was the first one I’ve had all summer where I didn’t have to travel which was absolutely marvelous. I’ll give you a quick recap before I get to today’s exciting giveaway details.
On Friday morning I woke up with a nice gift from my husband. . . a summer cold. What a bastard! Kidding, but seriously it was the pits. I spent all day eating chicken soup, drinking green juice, and popping vitamins like candy. I got a massage followed by a long steam at Exhale to try and detoxify. Saturday morning, Hallie and Jessica took me to a Soul Cycle class (talk about detoxing!) followed by brunch at Jane as a belated birthday gift (Thanks guys!!).
After shooting a couple of outfits (and changing in the middle of the street, naturally), we headed back uptown to Victoria’s apartment for an afternoon of rosé and a birthday party for her adorable pup, Lucy. I still wasn’t feeling so hot so I sadly left and went home early to watch mindless TV and continue with my green juice / vitamin party. I slept for 11 hours and woke up Sunday morning finally feeling better. It was one of those GSD (get shit done) kinda days which always feels so rewarding.
I love the feeling you get after being sick of cleaning everything up, taking a shower, changing all the linens, and starting fresh.
Now on to the giveaway. A few months ago, I introduced you guys to California Tailor in one of my favorite outfit shoots to date. I’m working with them again to give away a shirt of your choice this week! The founder of the company, Gill, is the sweetest woman who moved from London to California and set out to build a shirt company where timeless style meets the laid back spirit of California.
Her collection of button down shirts are easy, breezy, and just pretty. To win a shirt of your own, comment below letting me know which shirt from the collection you want and where you would wear it. See below for more ways to enter. I’ll pick a winner on Wednesday. Good luck!
Photos by Rebecca Dale Photography