Easy Work Attire


Working for a start-up is definitely. . . An experience. Some days are insanely packed with a never-ending to do list, while others are filled with meetings from morning until I leave for the day.

When we’re all at the office, it’s a pretty casual vibe dress-wise. Getting dressed up for work motivates me to work harder but comfort is key for long days so I try to look professional and laid back at the same time. Here are my 3 tips for anyone who works for a start-up and is wondering what the heck to wear to work:

1. A removable blush-colored blazer can go a long way. I take it off at my desk but it’s easy to throw on at a moment’s notice for a meeting without feeling stuffy.

2. In the same vain, wear flats every day (because you can!) and keep a spare pair of heels in your desk drawer. If investors are in town or you have an important client meeting, do a quick change-up under your desk and presto-chango you look like you’re one of those girls who prances around in heels all day like it ain’t no thang.

3. Most importantly, remember while although it can be a casual work environment, people (especially women) are often judged on appearance in the work place. So while a baseball cap and yoga pants might sound mighty good on a Wednesday, swap it out for your favorite tee, silky pants, a big necklace, and a messy bun. Still feels like lounge-wear but takes it up a notch. I wear this shirt to work at least once/week because it’s so versatile and comfortable (and only $20).

I styled this work outfit for the Glam Style App so be sure to check out more photos by downloading the app to your phone or iPad.





Photos by Rebecca Dale.

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  1. Gabriela said:

    I ADORE Minnie pants for work- they’re comfortable, flattering and look professional. Interested to see how they pair with Everlane tanks, too, I’ve heard great things about them but have yet to purchase any!


    9.3.14 · Reply
  2. Ellen said:

    I love the color of that blazer. Also, that yellow bag is gorgeous! I so need it.

    Ellen | A Pop of Pink

    9.3.14 · Reply
  3. Ruthie & Rose said:

    You are so, so right about finding the right mix of feeling comfortable while looking professional. Whether you work in an office setting that’s casual or you work out of your house, it’s so amazing to see what a difference getting up and dressed in the morning can do for your overall productivity and confidence. Love this look — esp the blush pink blazer! xo

    9.3.14 · Reply
  4. Jessica said:

    I currently work in an office environment that is realllly relaxed, but I’ve noticed lately that when I look more put together, I feel better! I need to get my hands on some minnie pants asap ๐Ÿ™‚

    26 and Not Counting

    9.3.14 · Reply
  5. Heidi D. said:

    Love the pale pink blazer paired with the black minnie pants.

    Heidi D.

    9.3.14 · Reply
  6. Kate {Taffeta and Tulips} said:

    That yellow tote is perfect! Just clicked on the link and they only come in darker hues ๐Ÿ™


    9.3.14 · Reply
  7. Kristina Anderson said:

    Great tips! I’ve always worked in a casual environment but definitely find that the dressier side of casual works better.

    Kristina does the Internets

    9.3.14 · Reply
  8. Jen said:

    Great tips Julia! I completely agree about “dressing the part” yoga pants always sound like a good idea but it’s hard to be taken seriously when wearing them. Unless you’re working out ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I LOVE Jcrew’s minnie pants for work.

    xo, Jen

    9.3.14 · Reply
  9. Dana Mannarino said:

    Obsessed with that blazer. Can’t go wrong with the Minnie’s either!

    Dana | pink champagne problems

    9.3.14 · Reply
  10. Christa // Regina said:

    Great tips! I love the idea of keeping heels around for when you need them – because I’m not about to wear them full time!


    9.21.14 · Reply