Joie blouse, Articles of Society jeans, c/o LK Bennett pumps, c/o Bauble Bar necklace, Chanel 2.55 bag (similar)
Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve dreamed of owning a Chanel bag. The classic black 2.55 flap version that I had my heart set on retails for an exorbitant amount of money, so I assumed since we’re saving up to buy a house, that was not in my near future. When my husband and sister chipped in to surprise me with one for my 30th, they leaned on my friend Hitha to help find me a used one in perfect condition. She directed them to Portero which has an entire Chanel section that features bags at a fraction of the regular price. It is still an investment, but a great way to buy a luxury piece if you’re in the market.
For a more affordable version, this Rebecca Minkoff quilted bag looks almost identical but is far better quality than a cheap street knockoff.
I was shocked at the gift and so grateful for it but didn’t have a chance to take it for a spin on the town until last Friday night for our weekly date night. I paired it with my favorite neon pink blouse, bright blue pumps, and summery white jeans so that the black and gold would stand out against the colors.
I go through white jeans like crazy. I inevitably spill on every pair I buy so when I found this pair at an amazing price-point (under $60!), I bought two pairs. Now I’m covered until next summer.
{This gorgeous sunset is what I was looking at behind my husband as he took these photos}
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LOVE Portero! I got a beautiful vintage Chanel there earlier this year! Enjoy yours!
Your Chanel is perfect!
Loving that bag! I thought my first Louis was on my 30th birthday wish list, but maybe it’s my first Chanel!
I love that bag! Everyone needs to have a good investment bag in their closet!
Such a timeless piece!
Red Reticule | Red Reticule Collection
The perfect weekend outfit! You look beautiful!
I am in love with that purse, it is a great staple piece to have!
xx. The Coastal Confidence
I’m so sad I didn’t buy those jeans when I first tried them on because now they’re sold out! They look amazing on you, and congrats on the absolutely gorgeous new addition to your handbags! 🙂
Lauren | boston belle
Gorgeous purse. Such an amazing piece to own.