Spring Uniform

What a weekend, you guys! It was beyond perfect and I never wanted it to end. My sister was in town, and she brought amazing weather and her cute puppy with her. The dogs love each other, so Boots was ecstatic to spend two days with his “cousin”. He’s finally fully healed so he could really run around and play. It made my heart so happy to see him 100% himself again.

Yesterday was packed with a long hike through the woods, our first lobster rolls of the season on the water at Rowayton Seafood, a BBQ at my friend Gabi’s house, and no jackets! It was the the most perfect spring day, and I felt so happy. It’s amazing how much weather can affect my mood. My life goal? To have a second home someplace warm for the winter. A girl can dream, right?

My winter maternity wardrobe pretty much consisted of leggings and oversized sweaters, but now that I’m growing and sweaters are too warm, it’s becoming more challenging to get dressed every day. Once summer comes, I can live in maxi dresses, but the in between weather is the toughest.

My spring uniform has always been white jeans with a striped tee and blazer, and this spring, I plan on sticking to that! I got a maternity striped 3/4 length tee that I’ve been wearing non-stop. It’s form-fitting so I have to feel confident on the days that I wear it. For other days, I reach for this looser one (seen here). I actually lived in it for most of this weekend.

While I have tees covered, I’m a little lost when it comes to buying shorts that will fit this summer. Do you guys have any recs?

Ingrid & Isabel Striped Shirt c/o / Schoolboy Blazer / Tassel EarringsAG Denim Jeans (non-maternity version here) / Kate Spade Bag


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  1. Jordana @WhiteCabana said:

    Beautiful! White and navy is such a fresh look!

    4.10.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      My favorite color combo!

      4.11.17 · Reply
  2. Taylor Cannon said:

    Such a cute outfit! This is my go-to look in spring!
    Taylor | http://www.livingtaylored.com

    4.10.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      Thank you! It’s a classic 🙂

      4.11.17 · Reply
  3. Erika @ the Linden Life said:

    Love the stripes! This is my third pregnancy, and I don’t think I’ve ever bought a pair of maternity shorts. I found pants / dresses to work better for me, and I bought a couple pairs of shorts a size up and just wore a belly band.

    4.10.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      I think I’m going in that direction too. So sad because I’m such a shorts girl in the summer!

      4.11.17 · Reply
  4. Emma Newell said:

    I LOVE a good striped shirt! It’s always my go-to when I’m not sure what to wear!
    xx, Emma

    4.11.17 · Reply
  5. Taylor said:

    Check out this brand for maternity tops!

    4.11.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      Amazing, thank you!

      4.11.17 · Reply
  6. Lauren Stetson said:

    Jcrew’s were amazing, but it seems the stopped selling their maternity line… but if you can find them second hand, I loved them.

    4.14.17 · Reply