As I’m sitting here writing this post (on Sunday night), I want to feel as bubbly as I felt when taking these photos last week. I want to write about how much I love this suede shirt (so much that I had planned to dedicate this entire post to it) and my new coated jeans from Tuckernuck (so chic, size down), but I’m going through a rough few days and thought I’d share an update on that instead.
Over the last few months I’ve been working really hard to identify my anxiety triggers and use coping mechanisms to combat them. And it’s been going really well. I’ve learned tricks and created systems that have changed the way I live my life in a powerful and positive way.
But here’s the thing with anxiety… It’s always going to be a part of my life. There are good weeks and bad weeks. Good days and bad days. Sometimes the tougher times are because of a stressful life event, but sometimes it’s seemingly for no reason at all. It’s going to happen, but through the work I’ve been doing in therapy, it happens less often and I can usually manage it pretty well.
Last week, though, it kind of took over and I couldn’t seem to shake it. But that’s ok because I know that I’m coming out of it now and I’ll learn something from it. I went to a meditation class years ago where the teacher said something that really stuck with me: There is a beginning, a middle, and an end to everything and to every emotion. That lesson often pops into my head during difficult or painful times in life (aka when I was in labor with Amalia) and it’s a comforting reminder.
In sharing my current state of mind today, I hope it’s a reminder to you all to not compare yourself to someone else’s Instagram feed or life on the internet. Everyone is fighting their own battles whether big, small, or somewhere in between. Even the people that seem like they have it all figured out!
And on that note, here’s to an anxiety free, happy, and productive week to us all. I’m signing off to take a bath and unplug to set myself up for a successful Monday. xx
Sail to Sable Shirt / Coated Jeans c/o / Scarf c/o / Earrings c/o / Clutch / Flats
Sail to Sable Shirt / Coated Jeans c/o / Scarf c/o / Earrings c/o / Clutch / Flats
Photos by Julia Dags. Thank you to Tuckernuck for gifting me some items in this outfit. I love them!
Thank you so much for always being willing to share your heart with us. You work so hard to bring us not only darling content but honest content as well! I hope this week your anxiety lifts and you feel a little lighter! Hugs from south Texas where we just got our first taste of autumn! Julie
You’re so sweet, Julie. Thank you!
Love this outfit and you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Lauren! xx
Sending warmest wishes from across the Atlantic. Your honesty is so refreshing and your feed is always a bright spot in the day.
Thanks Kirsty! That means a lot!
I am with you on the anxiety front, mine is pretty bad right now but I know what is causing it. I am pretty thankful I meal prepped the week, ironed my work clothes and signed up for some gym classes to hopefully help mitigate some of it.
That sounds like a great plan! I wish I had meal prepped last night but instead focused on my to do list and journaling which also helped. Maybe I’ll make it a Monday night meal prep. Sending you positive vibes this week!
You look beautiful. Everything from Tuckernuck right now is so chic and lovely!
I hope you continue to feel better, xAllie
PS I made that slow cooker applesauce – it’s so good!
Thanks Allie! And yay so glad you loved the applesauce. xx
Thanks for your honesty. It’s so important to share our stories and hold a hand out to the next person going through something. We need to keep supporting one another.
Yes yes yes! Now if only we could do that on a national level, we’d be all set 🙂
That mantra is very soothing! I was beyond anxious last week but already feel better today and will keep that in my pocket that there is always an ending. Just know you being so open truly does make others feel less alone.
I’m so glad it was helpful, Lauren! We’re all in it together.
Thank you for sharing. I battled postpartum anxiety that was so debilitating I admitted myself into the hospital psych ward when my daughter was two months old. I was so surprised to find myself in that situation. I kept thinking, “but I’m a yogi! I am successful in my career! I can take care of myself! How did this happen to me?!”. But that’s the thing. It’s not a flaw, it’s not a reflection of how valuable you are. It just happens. In therapy, something that I learned and have really held on to is the notion of “being” vs. “doing”. When I am stressed or anxious, I can now ask myself, what will I (or my husband or daughter) remember…that I got my work assignment done or washed bottles that day, or that I was kind, silly, and loving. Answering that question helps me focus on BEING, which for me seems to get rid of a lot of the stress. Anyway, hang in there. I know the feeling. It sucks. But you’re a great mom and a great example for Amalia!
I’m so sorry for what you went through, Ellen. Your attitude and comments about it just brought tears to my eyes. You seem like such a brave and smart woman! Being vs doing isn’t something I had thought of before but I love it. Thank you so much for sharing xx
So needed to read a post like this today. Thank you!!
I’m so happy that it helped!
Love this outfit and love your braveness!!
xoxo Libby
Thanks Libby!