Something weird is happening in New England. It’s been in the 80’s for the last two days… but it’s October. I’m so confused! It is cold in the mornings and evenings but mid-day when the sun beats down, it feels almost like summer. Layering has become even more necessary than usual. I was excited to be able to wear this short-sleeved sweater dress (more sizes available in grey/navy) one last time without layering a turtleneck under it before winter hits.
It’s such a flattering cut and couldn’t be softer. It’s made by my friend’s company, Sail to Sable, and they’re having a huge warehouse sale where you can take an extra 40% off sale items with code SALE1640. Most of my favorite summer dresses are from here including this one and this one. Note: I always size down in her dresses.
Looking for even more affordable sweater dresses? This v-neck beauty comes in five colors for $59, and I love this turtleneck dress for $58, but my favorite has to be the hem on this gorgeous frock… I can’t believe it’s only $68!
Speaking of sales, I just found out that my favorite fall sweater (which I now own in five colors) is on sale for 50% off today only. Use code HALFOFF with the pin 9710. You can see how I wore it last here and here. The best part? It comes in 10 colors and, with the sale, comes out to $35.
Ok that was a lot of sale talk, sorry! Now on to my headspace this week: Coming back from Napa was tough. I obviously drank a little too much there, so am still paying the price today. While the trip was so much fun and I wouldn’t change it for the world, it reminded me of why I choose to live a healthy, less than indulgent lifestyle most days. My body feels better when I don’t eat gluten or drink more than a glass of wine on any given day. I sleep better, my nose is less stuffy, and I’m not bloated.
While I was there, I was more lenient with my diet and definitely had more wine in two days than I’ve had in the last two months, which felt carefree and fun, but I’m thinking now that as I grow older and solidify my priorities, it’s not worth it for me to go overboard like that anymore.
I sometimes feel like I’m teetering on the edge of wanting to have a great time and let loose, while also wanting to not feel awful the next day. Clearly I’m super sensitive to food and alcohol more than most people, but I’d love to know if any of you have gone through something similar in your 30’s?
Dress c/o (more sizes in grey/navy) / Barbour / Clutch c/o / Boots
Such an adorable dress and I love the clutch.
I am in my mid 30s and I have the same issue with drinking. Wine for me is the worst – it gives me a terrible headache and I feel like I have massive jet lag and need to pass out. I think the key is knowing what to drink and how much. I find that a glass of hard cider is relaxing but does not cause me to feel sleepy or sick. So I stick to that and only one glass. Then I will just drink water.
Given that I can’t drink wine, I probably would not go on a Napa trip. If you want to have a bonding trip with friends, then try not to go somewhere that requires you to eat or drink unhealthy things. A trip where you do something active, like go hiking all day, is even more fun in my opinion and won’t leave you feeling bad.
Since you don’t do this all the time, I wouldn’t feel bad about it, though. Its hard and no fun to eat and drink perfectly all the time. Your body will bounce back and you will be left with the memories.
YES to the jet lag feeling. I totally get you. That being said, I don’t get it when I drink vodka or tequila so I try to stick to those. Napa was planned before I made that change but going forward, no more wine trips, that’s for sure 🙂
I totally understand what you are saying with the dissonance of wanting to be more healthy/structured/mature(?) and also wanting to let loose and have fun. It is something I have struggled with in many parts of my life, but specifically with eating and drinking as I have been getting older…maybe part of it is habit? i went two years without drinking at one point and it felt pretty amazing but it is definitely easy to fall back into less healthy patterns.
i try to do activities that don’t revolve around eating unhealthy/drinking when i am feeling this unbalanced feeling between good choices and having fun. its almost as if my inner child throws a tantrum if i dont let it eat/drink what it wants! i try to do other activities until i feel more solid about my choice to eat healthy/not drink and until those priorities become more important than having a glass or two.
i can have an all-in or all-out attitude, which i am trying to “fix” and learn a bit more about moderation, but definitely not a one or two oreo kind of girl, so I am trying to solidify those priorities before i try the moderation part 🙂
either way, i think you’re doing awesome and i love these types of posts!
Wow, was two years without drinking hard? I’ve had friends who have done that and look/feel incredible. I usually do dry January and I’m doing a sober ‘tober (slash just the end of October, early November). But I would be nervous to do longer… Not sure why. I guess it’s because there are so many social situations where people drink and I’d feel awkward?
Good for you for honing in on the issue and figuring out how to live in moderation. It’s no easy task!
Not in my 30s but I feel the same way. One of my best friends stopped drinking completely and it’s almost a relief when we go out together because I don’t drink. It’s like I need that good influence of her across the table from me.
x0xo Caroline
It’s so nice to have a friend that eats/drinks the same way as you. It definitely makes things easier!!
I actually wish I lived a healthier lifestyle, but for whatever reason I have zero self control. It’s awesome that you allow yourself to take a breather from the healthy life and be carefree though!
Pink Champagne Problems
Such a cute outfit and I agree…what is up with this weather?!?! In the mornings we have to turn the heat on but by the afternoon, the A/C is cranked! As for the 30’s and drinking…I have a rule to not drink during the week (which sometimes gets broken when its the only night everyone can get together) but I also work hard on limiting myself to a few drinks. I find that it was easier to do that once I get interested in trying different whiskeys and bourbons. When you are drinking for the flavour, you tend to not chug. Oh, and having kids to wake up to when you are hung over is the pits so I try my hardest to not let that happen (kids are VERY loud in the mornings :D) xx Rox-Anne,
I love that rule. I’ve been trying to implement it and am just going to be more strict about it. Thank you for inspiring me!
Yes to the yes yes yes. It’s such a hard transition too, when most socializing revolves around happy hour and eating out. I’m like you, I can’t have gluten or dairy (or corn), and even “healthy” things like tomatoes make me sick for days (because of all the damage the aforementioned things did to my body, unknowingly, for years). So you’re wise to listen to your body and do what makes you feel good. Major kudos! I will say that alcohol-wise, I feel best on tequila, and when it comes to wine, high-quality champagne has much less of a negative effect (but wine in general is really hard on the body somehow).
I agree about tequila! Until Napa I was doing tequila and vodka only and felt SO much better. I’m going to go back to that I think. So glad to know that I’m not the only one with all these weird issues… sometimes it feels almost embarrassing, you know?
100000000%. Embarrassing, isolating, super frustrating. It’s a regular party. But I will say the more I share both in person and online — like you have here and I SO appreciate — the more others share that they have similar things. Which, on days like today, when I’m in tears because I can’t figure out how to eat and live like a normal person, motivates me to keep pressing on because if I can figure it out, then I can share and help others. Um, but if anyone else figures it out first, please share!
It’s not just New England – it’s been feeling like summer in the Midwest, too! I enjoy a good drink – generally sticking with rum – but I really only indulge on a Friday or Saturday when I know I don’t have a lot going on the next day.
This outfit is so cute, Julia! I love the background of these photos too!