Sweet Dreams

Sweet Sleep Sets

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I don’t know what it is about moving that has changed my attitude towards sleep-wear, but it’s changed in a BIG way over the past few weeks. Maybe it’s because my friends at Eberjey sent me this nighty and robe the week before I left or because I got this Cosabella night shirt a week before that.

I think it has something to do with our upgraded bedding, and bedroom furniture. It’s fancier and more high-end which makes me want to feel fancier in it. I feel better about getting into bed, I have sweeter dreams, and I wake up with a better attitude in the morning. In New York, I always wore worn-in tee shirts Anel’s old boxer shorts but apparently those days are done. Perhaps I’m just becoming a grown up.

As you can tell by my choices above, I hate wearing long pants to bed. My legs always get really warm (TMI?) when I sleep so shorts or sleep shirts are my only options. I’m always curious to hear what other people wear to sleep in. If it’s not too weird, let me know!

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  1. Heidi D. said:

    Love Eberjey! I could use some new sleep clothes and I’m with you on sleep shirts as opposed to pants. So much more comfy.

    Heidi Daoud

    10.1.14 · Reply
  2. Kelly in the City said:

    I REALLY want to be one of those girls who wears cute PJs to bed, but every night, I fall asleep in leggings and whatever shirt I wore that day. It’s terrible! I even OWN a couple of cute PJ sets. I think it’s a combination of having a tiny, messy space and laziness on my part, haha.

    This is inspiring me, though! There’s something to going to bed with a clear mind… and a clean room & cute nighty would definitely help that! Such cute picks. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Love hearing about your transition to the suburbs… Helps me feel like I’m not alone in some of what I’m feeling! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hope you’re loving it! xoxo!

    10.1.14 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      You should try for a full week to wear cuter sleep-wear. I promise it will make a huge diference! xx

      10.2.14 · Reply
  3. Marissa_WhereINeedtoBe said:

    Glad I’m not the only one who has embarrassing sleepwear. I gravitate toward what’s comfortable but always want to buy cuter stuff. But when it’s between a new pair of boots or new PJs, the boots always win. Usually a cute tank or worn t-shirt and pajama pants are my go-to.

    10.1.14 · Reply
  4. Katitut said:

    I wear this old Soma nightgown practically every night in the warmer months. It has really good support if you have boobs on the larger side. In the winter it might be yoga pants and my old lemons&loafers shirt or one of the pajama sets that I get from my in-laws every xmas.

    10.2.14 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      I LOVE the in-law PJ sets too. Those are always the best! ๐Ÿ™‚

      10.2.14 · Reply
  5. Belinda said:

    Flannel now!

    10.4.14 · Reply