Well hello there you. And by you I mean spring. It’s been absolutely lovely this week which has injected some much-needed serotonin into all of us. This is the week every year when New Englanders stop Zillow searching for houses in the south and remember why we live here.
TBH I’ve been going through it a bit, despite the sunshiney days. This in-between period between announcing my book and it launching is a mental mindf*ck because it’s a ton of planning for upcoming press and events but also kind of a standstill. It all feels very scary and exciting at once!
While on that topic, I’ve been messaging and emailing with a lot of you who are saying you can’t wait to buy the book so just wanted to tell you guys about the importance of pre-orders to an author. Especially a new author!
Availability and Retailers: Pre-orders will alert retailers and consumers that they should pay attention to the book. The pre-order quantity can lead to retailers increasing their initial orders. Always a good thing, right?
Amazon Price Drops: Amazon tends to lower the price on books they see as successful. Each time Amazon discounts, all earlier pre-order purchases get the new lower price. If you order my book between now and the on-sale date, you’ll get the lowest price, guaranteed!
Bestseller Lists: Preorders are an essential part of the process of making bestseller lists. For example, the New York Times allows all pre-orders to be counted towards a book’s first week of sales. Nothing is ever guaranteed, but the more preorders a book has, the better chance it has of making the list
Opportunity/Buzz: Preorders will generate more buzz and allow for more opportunity when the time comes to book venues for a book tour or secure certain media opportunities.
So all that said, if you’re excited about Garden Grown but are waiting to buy it, you can find a list of pre-order sites here and you will have it in your hand guaranteed on May 7th (or potentially earlier!)
How many steps do you really need? Turns out that’s the wrong question.
Can a $200 Instagram class really make you a better mom?
My new very favorite pullover is 25% off!
The hidden link between workaholism and mental health.
The 30 best movies to watch on every streaming service.
Boden’s new arrivals for spring are INCREDIBLE and you can get 15% off with code P1N7. I love this yellow dress and for Luca this sweatshirt. This tee also felt right for him given his love for the garden.I got Amalia this dress… Kinda had to, right?
A semi-comprehensive guide to all the Kate Middleton theories out there.
Social media is giving us popcorn brain.
I bought these pretty flower earrings for my book tour and cannot wait to wear them.
8 ways to get the Nancy Meyers look on a budget.
Whatever happened to fun in comedy?
The most beautiful leather travel jewelry case is 20% off (and would make a great Mother’s Day gift!)
There’s something primal about our love for cups.
A list of the best healthy (and tasty) snacks according to Bon Appetit editors.
A blue and white striped linen dress that would also make the perfect beach cover up.
How to identify stress cycles and mindfully complete them.
How Dr. Becky professionalized parenting.
I gave one of my BFFs this set of dipping bowls for her birthday this week. How cute?
What a time for Meghan Markle to return to Instagram.
This khaki shirtdress feels very old school J.Crew in the best possible way.
Calling it now, this is my shirt of the summer!