10 Random Facts About Me

10 Random Facts About Lemon Stripes

Happy Monday, friends! Yep, still pregnant and tomorrow is my due date. I’ll keep you posted but no signs of baby yet.

When I saw Mackenzie’s post featuring 10 random facts about her and thought it would be a fun idea to do the same thing here! I tried to think of 10 things that you don’t already know about me, but it was hard so some of this might be a repeat. For new readers, I hope you enjoy getting to know me a little bit better!

1. I’m left-handed. I don’t know why this is a fun fact but for some reason people are intrigued by it! Sometimes people I know will see me writing for the first time and are shocked that it’s with my left hand. I guess we’re a rare breed of unicorns (only 12% of the population in fact). Apparently it’s supposed to make me good at math and music… The jury’s still out on that though. For all you other lefties out there, here are some fun facts about us that I found interesting.

2. I went to high school in Italy. Ok just the last two years, but still. The latin teacher at my high school in New Hampshire was friends with the headmaster of an international boarding school in Rome, and would recommend a few students to study there each semester. My junior year, I was one of the lucky ones. When the school year was over, I begged my parents to let me apply as a full time student. For some reason they said yes and I finished out my high school career in Rome. It was a super cool experience that I’ll be forever grateful for.

3. I majored in political science with a minor in Italian. Clearly I’m using both skills in my career today… LOL! I feel in love with the Italian language while in Italy and was hoping to double major in that and art history. Then I took an intro political science class and fell in love. I had enough credits for a double major but dropped the Italian to a minor so that I wouldn’t have to write two senior theses. I don’t get to practice speaking as much as I’d like to, but after a few days in Italy, it usually comes right back. Our last trip was to Sicily for my 30th birthday, and I’m hoping we can go back sometime in the next few years.

4. I went to an all women’s college. Speaking of college, I went to Scripps College in California, a small women’s only liberal arts school. It’s part of a larger, 5-school consortium so we had male friends and boyfriends, but it was nice to come home to a pristine, quieter campus at night. Going there was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I got an amazing education and met some incredible women who I still call my best friends to this day.

5. I’m obsessed with making lists. Like abnormally obsessed. I have my daily and weekly to do lists, shot lists, editorial calendars for the blog, and so much more. The weirdest part about my lists is that they all have to be on paper (except for my editorial calendar). I like to hand write each task and the cross it off when I’m done. If I don’t organize my lists at the end of each work day, I feel flustered and out of it. I think part of it is that I have a terrible memory, and the other part is that I just like to be on top of things.

6. I lived in Japan as a kid. My parents are both business school professors, and spent three winter semesters in a row teaching at an international business school in Japan. I even spent half of kindergarten there! I was super blonde when I was little, and I remember people coming up to me and touching my hair. It totally freaked me out at the time! I can’t speak much Japanese, but I can count to 100 so there’s that.

7. I love 90’s rap music… I know pretty much every lyric to Dr. Dre’s Chronic 2001 album. 90’s rap makes me the so pumped.

8. I have the best siblings in the world. I have a sister, Lauren, and a six-year old half brother, Jackson! Lauren and I are the closest sisters you’ll ever meet. We talk at least twice a day on the phone and text and G-chat in between. She’s three years younger than I am and lives in San Francisco with her fiancé and puppy. Being so far away from each other is tough, but I think she’ll move back east eventually. We have always dreamed of having houses next to each other, but the Connecticut ‘burbs isn’t really her scene.

9. I’m weirdly psychic. When I was a kid, I had a dream that my pet fish jumped out of his tank. The next morning, we found him on the ground! This is morbid and creepy but I dreamt about 9/11 the night before it happened as well. I can usually tell when my dreams are going to become reality and when they aren’t. I can’t explain it but it happens more often than you’d think.

10. Random food obsessions: Black licorice, cucumbers, fennel, watermelon, basil pesto and ramen. I could live on a diet of those five things.

The jumpsuit above is old but this one is the exact same cut!

Now that you know a little more about me, I’d love to know more about you. Share a random fact about yourself in the comments below.

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