Tomorrow I’m heading home to New Hampshire for the holidays and taking some much needed time off. I thought I’d sign off with one of my favorite posts every year, a recap of my favorite photos and a list of my most popular posts.

2017 was certainly a year….

Personally, it’s a year that I will never forget. The first half I spent pregnant and the second half I spent as a new mama so there were definitely a lot of firsts, a lot of challenges, but most importantly, so much joy and love. Anel and I are constantly saying that we would go through our fertility struggle a million times over if we had to, as long as it ended in our perfect Amalia.

Globally, sh*t really hit the fan. Some days it feels like the world is ending and the bad stories outweigh the good. But on others, I have hope for our future. I read a quote somewhere recently that said “2017: Thank you for the lessons… 2018: Let’s do this!”. That quote pretty much sums up how I feel going into the new year.

My most popular posts of the year (in this order):
1. A Big Announcement
2. Big Sister (PS my baby brother is due in a matter of weeks!)
3. Amalia’s Birth Story
4. What’s in my Hospital Bag
5. Gender Reveal
6. Our Kitchen
7. #sponsored
8. Marriage is a Team Sport
9. Build the Perfect Baby Registry
10. Nursery Reveal

My surviving miscarriage post continues to be one of the most read posts on my blog, but it was written and posted in 2016 so I didn’t include it in the list. I’m touched on a daily basis by emails I receive from women who have suffered from one or multiple losses, and while my heart breaks for each and every one of them, I’m glad that we have each other to lean on. The insane response to this post keeps me motivated to keep on doing what I do.

I’m so thankful for all of you. For the moms who have given me sage advice, for the readers who comment on every single post, and for the ones who are quiet, but always there. I feel so supported and so unbelievably grateful to have such an incredible community.

Happy holidays and happy new year to you all! I will be back on January 2nd and on Instagram every day in the meantime!


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  1. Elle said:

    What a year you have had! Happy Holidays to your new family and enjoy the time off in NH visiting the fam, you need it! xo elle

    12.22.17 · Reply
  2. Teddi Ginsberg said:

    What a beautiful post! Would you mind telling me where you got that dog painting? I’d love to get a similar one for my daughter’s nursery!

    Happy holidays!

    12.22.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      Thanks Teddi! The painting was a custom piece by Megan Carn (http://www.megancarn.com/). I love love love her work.

      1.2.18 · Reply
  3. Robin Vaughn said:

    the pictures of Boots are my favorite 🙂 merry christmas!!!

    12.22.17 · Reply
  4. Jordan said:

    These pictures are beautiful, wishing you and your family a happy holidays!!!

    xo, Jordan

    12.22.17 · Reply
  5. Melissa said:

    Happy Holidays to you & your family.

    12.22.17 · Reply
  6. Allie said:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family! xAllie http://www.theallthatglittersblog.com

    12.22.17 · Reply
  7. Brynn Guster said:

    What a year! I’ve loved following your blog for all that you bring to this space, your voice is refreshing as a woman and momma. Enjoy your holiday with your sweet family and happy new year!

    12.22.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      Thanks Brynn! Happy 2018 🙂

      1.2.18 · Reply
  8. Michelle said:

    I don’t think your link to the miscarriage post is correct.

    12.27.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      I fixed it so sorry about that!

      1.2.18 · Reply
  9. Ebliss444 said:

    I only recently discovered your blog — I think it was right around that time you had Amalia! Even though we’ll never meet, as someone who has experienced some fertility struggles myself, I am just so very happy for you that you had you have your sweet baby girl that has changed your life in so many ways. Your Instagram story made me tear up a little too, because I’ll have my second baby early this year and it was a reminder of doing this all over again and just how quickly the time really does go. Wishing you all a happy, wonderful 2018!

    1.1.18 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      Thank you so much for saying that! Congrats on your babies and best of luck to you!

      1.2.18 · Reply
  10. Julia Dzafic said:

    Thank you so so much Sarah. That means a lot!

    1.2.18 · Reply