Easy Reading

Kindle for Holiday

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite / Plaid Shirt

The holiday season is tough for me. Although I love the decorations, the music, the food, the parties, the sparkles and the sentimentality of it all, it’s a bittersweet time of year. We had such a strong Christmas tradition growing up that when my parents got divorced and my grandparents passed away, everything changed drastically within a number of short years.

Every year around this time, I start to feel a little sad while at the same time things always tend to pick up at work (If you work in marketing, you know what I mean!), with the blog, with the planning of holidays and buying gifts for everyone. This year, we’re trying to decorate our new house on top of it all. It’s been overwhelming to say the least, so making time for myself is even more important than usual during this time. That has always been a challenge for me but I try to do three things daily to stay sane:

  1. Meditate for 10 minutes in the morning- I use an app called Headspace which is very helpful
  2. Move my body even if it’s just a series of stretches
  3. Read (for pleasure, not work) for at least 30 minutes every single day no matter what

I go through books like crazy and the pile up in my house so I finally (finally!) converted to a Kindle Paperwhite. Talk about life changing. It’s so easy to pop in my bag for train rides into the city or my carry on for flights. I’ve been lugging around heavy books for so long that I didn’t realize what a difference something so light can make.

Right now I’m reading Jonathan Franzen’s new book, Purity. Before that, I finished A Window Opens. What have you read lately that you love? I need my next good can’t-put-it-down Kindle read!

Kindle on the Go

Print / Topiaries / Candle

Amazon Kindle

Rug / Sweater / Faux fur throw

Read Before Bed

Thank you to Amazon Kindle for sponsoring this post!

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  1. Nicole Bohorquez said:

    as a fellow avid book reader (i go through a book in a week or less), check out http://www.bookbub.com – they have some great books (sometimes bestsellers) super discounted on kindle, think 99 cents, (and other platforms) or sometimes for free. i think its another great way to discover new books that might not be on the top kindle lists too! so far i’ve enjoyed all of the books from there!

    12.10.15 · Reply
  2. Kelsey McCutcheon said:

    I am obsessed with my Kindle! I thought I would be a “real” book lover for life but once I got my kindle I will never go back! I keep a list of books I want to read on my phone so whenever I get a recommendation from someone or read a review I immediately write it down so I have a continuous list whenever I’m looking for a new read. A the next few on my list to read are: Brain on Fire, My Paris Dream, and the Cuckoo’s Calling.

    12.10.15 · Reply
  3. TAF said:

    I know the feeling of one losing a grandparent who seemed to bring everyone together and I’m a brand marketer!

    Remember the holidays will always usually have some element of stress. Perhaps making a list of traditions that you enjoyed (e.g., night of tree-trimming, 5 days to write holiday cards etc.. would help. Be sure to decide what tradition would be OK to let go of if it gets to much.

    Reading is a great stress reliever though I never think I’ll be able to go to a digital format. Part of the joy is the tactile feel and the smell of books for me. I’m a voracious reader and I think I’m getting close to having read 80 books this year. (I start and end my day with reading and rarely only just reading one book at a time. (Hey my mood changes.) I track each book I read have since 2000 and 2 books that really stand out for me were: Eight Million Gods & Demons, & The last Chinese Chef. And if you want a mystery – I’m your girl – it’s the primary genre I read.

    12.10.15 · Reply
  4. Brenna Kelly said:

    I know this post is more about the kindle but I can totally relate about holidays feeling bittersweet. My family had strong Christmas traditions and I am in the same situation where one of my grandparents passed away and my parents divorced right before Christmas last year. Nothing is the same anymore. It is comforting to know that there are many other people out there who feel the same way I do!

    12.10.15 · Reply
  5. Caroline said:

    Totally get the holiday thing – after my grandfather passed away it seems like nothing is the same but making new traditions (like surf n turf for christmas eve) has seemed to help! I just finished In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware (Reese Witherspoon bought the rights to it) and it was fabulous! Great mystery to get through all the holiday over-cheer!

    12.10.15 · Reply
  6. Ally said:

    My grandfather has been in the hospital for the past month and the Kindle has helped him tremendously. He’s been using my old Kindle from a few years ago but Santa has already bought him the latest Paperwhite Kindle. It’s truly been a blessing for him!

    Xo Ally


    12.10.15 · Reply
  7. Jennifer said:

    Julia, you mentioned Headspace earlier this year and I tried it out. After the first 10 days, I paid for the annual membership. I can’t tell you how much of a difference it has made in my life! I have suffered with (walking) depression for years and this is the first thing that has truly brought me some real peace of mind. So, thank you for all of your beautiful photos, fantastic posts, and recommendations on books, apps, etc. you have changed this woman’s life for the better!

    12.12.15 · Reply
  8. Katie Coby said:

    I just finished Purity. Can’t wait to discuss! Am now reading The Wake and it’s pretty tough. Finished Jane Smiley’s trilogy a month or so ago and loved it for the most part. The first book is called Some Luck.

    12.16.15 · Reply
  9. Zac Johnston said:

    Great post.

    1.24.18 · Reply