30-Minute Workout: Abs & Arms

30 Minute At Home Workout

It’s arms and abs day, you guys! I promised you guys one killer at-home workout with Anel each quarter, and he really brought the the heat this time around. We received a lot of requests for a focus on arms and abs, so he decided to put them together in a 30-minute video that you can do pretty much anywhere. After our last home workout post, we got requests for a video version this time around so that you don’t have to keep scrolling through each exercise.

So for this one, all you need is a mat, a wall, and a device where you can watch video. That’s it!

Anel spent a long time putting this together, and he’s a really incredible trainer, so I hope you check it out and try the workout. Don’t mind our awkward intro. We were very nervous for some reason!

If you have any questions for Anel about the workout or anything else exercise-related, feel free to ask them below and he’ll answer you directly.

Note from Anel: I’ve created this workout to help you to get leaner, stronger, and fitter when you do it regularly. It’s not easy, but in order for your body to change, the work has to be hard.

My fitness belief is that reps should be completed slowly and deliberately to get deeper into the muscles and make a stimulus of change. Moving slowly is also much safer for your joints.  When you do these exercises, keep reminding yourself to slow down.

And remember, there is a difference between muscle burn and real pain. If you’re in pain or something doesn’t feel right, stop immediately and rest your body.

Who’s ready to get started? Let us know how it goes when you complete it!

Photo by Julia Dags.

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  1. Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams said:

    Can’t wait to try this one out! I always like new ab workouts to change it up. Thanks for sharing girl!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams

    2.20.19 · Reply
  2. Katherine said:

    I can’t wait to try…been lacking gym motivation lately (maybe because it’s so cold!). Hoping to do this tonight or tomorrow.

    2.20.19 · Reply
  3. Emily said:

    This is great! I am so excited to give it a try! I need to prep for summer lol! Thanks for sharing this! 🙂

    2.20.19 · Reply
  4. Libby said:

    So pumped for this!! I know what I am doing tonight!!

    xx Libby

    2.20.19 · Reply
  5. Christina said:

    Thanks so much to you and Anel!! So excited to try this out!

    2.20.19 · Reply
  6. Jen Turner said:

    Ohh excited to try this!! Just committed to waking up early and getting a work out in before the kids are up. Thank you!

    2.20.19 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Amazing! Let me know how it went !

      2.21.19 · Reply
  7. Julie said:

    Did this workout this AM and loved it! Those triceps presses against the wall… DANG.

    2.20.19 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      OMG how hard is that? Hahah

      2.21.19 · Reply
  8. Morgan Roberts said:

    I just watched the video and I am so excited to do it!!! I love how he gives you the timer to do the workout right after he shows you!! Thank y’all so much! Ps I love anel’s Accent

    2.21.19 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Yay so glad you like it! His accent is so cute. Half Bosnian, half Queens.

      2.21.19 · Reply
  9. Leslie said:

    Thanks for sharing this, can’t wait to try it out! How many days a week does your husband recommend for strength training to achieve sculpted arms and a toned stomach?

    2.21.19 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      He recommends once a week with his slow-burn method! That’s what I do.

      2.21.19 · Reply
  10. Jessica Amey said:

    I love how manufactured this image is. Like how you are teetering on tip toes like you’re wearing invisible heels while barefoot in workout clothes.

    2.21.19 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      I mean, don’t you stand like that often in your workout clothes 🙂

      2.21.19 · Reply
  11. Zelma said:

    Just did it! I’m pretty new to working out consistently. It’s been 8 weeks!!!! Thank you for your positivity, and sharing this awesome workout! I’ll admit I wasn’t able to always complete each round, but I’m going to keep working at it!

    2.25.19 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      So glad you tried it! And that is a great start. His workouts are really hard so the fact that you even kept going is a good sign 🙂

      2.25.19 · Reply
  12. Vanessa said:

    I have a question that may seem a little strange, but I’ve noticed that you usually always stand on your tippy-toes in photos — why is that?

    2.28.19 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Hahah I don’t know. I didn’t even realize I was doing that until someone commented on it the other day! Habit I guess? 🙂

      2.28.19 · Reply
  13. Caroline said:

    Hi! I just noticed the ‘superman’ portion is missing from the youtube video! Or am I insane? haha great video though!!

    3.24.19 · Reply
  14. amy said:

    The upper-body workout was designed to tone your arms and abs without any equipment and it also gives you the perfect beach body but it is also the most difficult workout, but If done properly then results are wonderful. Even I try it sometimes at home but not regularly so I don’t have health like you but your blog motivates a lot so I will surely push myself harder this time and try to achieve this.

    8.8.19 · Reply