3rd Trimester To Do List (Baby Number 2)

3rd Trimester To Do List

A few weeks ago, I went into full-on nesting mode, realizing that I had done almost nothing to prepare for baby boy so I frantically shopped online for diapers, wipes, burp cloths, gripe water, gas drops, bottle brushes, swaddles, and everything I could possibly think of that we didn’t already have. And then I felt better… until it all arrived and I realized I had nowhere to put everything!

So now we’re in the process of organizing, which also means making lots of lists like my 3rd-trimester to-do list. Nesting is lovely and maybe my favorite part of pregnancy. I just actually have to set aside the time to do it.

Finish the nursery: Decor-wise, the wallpaper is going up as we speak today, and then it’s just little details like hanging art and putting in a light fixture. What I really need to hunker down and do is finish organizing the drawers, closet, and all the random aforementioned baby items. It’s been on my to-do list for weeks but I never seem to get around to it. All the extra stuff everywhere is starting to make me feel crazy though, so I will finish it by the end of this month come hell or high water.

We also have to anchor the bookshelf and dresser to the walls and babyproof the room. I know he won’t be on the move for a while but I just want to get that stuff out of the way.

Set up the bassinet: My sister is currently using our SNOO but plans to bring it back to us in early April when she transitions my niece to her crib full time.

Pack hospital bag: I’ve already started on this one! Slash I put in a toothbrush and made a list. Looking at my hospital bag list from last time, I’m laughing out loud that I actually brought flameless candles thinking I’d use them during birth. But a lot of the stuff is actually still spot on.

Install car seat: Gotta pull that sucker out! We’ll be using Amalia’s old UPPAbaby MESA that is still within its timeframe for safe use thank goodness. We have two bases for it so we can use one in Anel’s car and one in mine.

FYI for more info on when car seats expire, I found this article to be helpful.

Make padsicles: Padsicles, aka giant maxi pads, smothered in coconut oil, aloe vera, and witch hazel, then frozen, saved me for postpartum recovery with Amalia. Now they make pre-made ones too but I think Anel and I will just take 20 minutes to make our own at some point soon.

Stock up on frozen foods: I’ve been freezing soups and other meals I’ve made over the last few months but I need to step up my game and fill our basement freezer chest with prepared meals for postpartum! I definitely didn’t do enough of this last time.

Create blog content: I’m very excited to actually take two months or more off this time around. With Amalia, Anel was just starting his business so 2 weeks was about all I could do. It was brutal and I don’t recommend that. So I’m taking a break from sponsored content on IG and will only share if I feel like it there. On the blog, I have a lot of amazing women creating guest content for you guys so there will be a few new posts going up every week. And they’re really good! I will also plan to share his birth story and maybe a few other things only if I feel up to it but I’m not going to put pressure on myself.

A plan for Amalia: When I go into labor, we want to make sure that Amalia and Boots (and our baby chickadees) have someone to look after them. Our current plan is for one or both of my in-laws to come up as soon as I go into labor and stay at our house with them until we get home. If things progress really quickly and they can’t get here in time, our next-door neighbors (who we already pod with!) are on call.

Visit the hospital & register for birth: I’m giving birth at a different hospital than the last time around and have no idea where the labor and delivery area is so Anel and I are planning to drive there and scope out the entrances, etc in the next week or two for my peace of mind. Because of COVID we probably won’t do the full-on tour (they have a virtual one) but knowing about parking and location are important obviously. We already registered there so we’re all set on that front.

Update health insurance: Anel and I pay for health insurance out of pocket since we both work for ourselves. Not fun! I can’t remember how and when we added Amalia to our plan last time so I need to figure that all out again.

Update our pediatrician: We need to be sure to tell our ped that another kiddo is on the way so they can come to the hospital and check him out after he’s born.

Prep my body: My labor with Amalia was great. Truly it couldn’t have gone better. And I think a lot of that has to do with the prep work I did ahead of time. We spent 15 hours in virtual classes for hypnobirthing which was awesome and I used the techniques while having contractions. With Amalia, we don’t have time to retake the whole class but I need to set aside time to review our notes and listen to the guided meditations that I saved from the last time around.

Chiropractor: I also just started back up with my chiropractor because of my round ligament pain and it’s made a world of difference. I don’t even have to wear my belly band most days now! She is doing the Webster Technique on me which helps with pain and also to prepare your sacrum and hips for birth.

Check if your health insurance covers chiropractic work. I was surprised when I found out that mine does!

Pelvic Floor PT: I just went for the first time this week but am already psyched on pelvic floor physical therapy. She worked on my hips and legs and gave me stretches but also worked on my literal pelvic floor which I was not expecting. Aka went up in there… I had an episiotomy with Amalia so we have to work to loosen that muscle that was cut for an easier birth experience. Who knew? She said that her goal is for her pregnant patients to have a “breezy birth” and I’m clearly here for that.

Squats: Both the PT and chiro suggested I try doing 100 squats/day starting now to strengthen muscles for birth. I’m dividing them up into sets of 25 each day. I did this with Amalia too!

Download contraction app: It’s been so long, what’s the best one out there these days? Last time it was helpful to know how long my contractions were and how many minutes were between each one so we could tell the nurses when we got to the hospital. Anel was in charge of that and will be again so it’s going on his phone.

Order a breast pump: I’m going to see if mine still works and if it’s in good shape, I think I’ll just get new flanges (my favorite word ever) and cords. I had the Spectra (which was covered by insurance btw). If it doesn’t work, insurance covers one for each kid which is pretty cool.

Stock the house: We are pretty stocked up but I’m making sure that things like TP, paper towels, cleaning supplies, and pantry essentials are on major backstock because I know things will run out if I’m not on top of it postpartum.

Am I missing anything on my 3rd trimester to do list? Let me know!

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  1. Jennifer Record said:

    So excited for you and your family..sending so many healthy vibes your way!

    2.19.21 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Thank you so much!

      2.25.21 · Reply
  2. Alex Pappas said:

    Wishing you all the best!! I just had my second boy and I stocked up on activities/little toys for my older son (3) to entertain him/ surprise him during newborn craziness!

    2.19.21 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Great idea. I will be following suit!

      2.25.21 · Reply
  3. Molly said:

    So excited for you and your family! I had the spectra 2 breast pump for my first baby and then got the spectra 9 through my insurance for #2 and I cannot recommend it enough! It’s small and battery operated, so cord free, but powerful and you don’t have to charge very often. The best part was all the pump parts from the S2 were interchangeable. (Also did you know you can pump
    directly into Avent bottles with any spectra? Took me til my second kid to learn that. 😉
    Good luck with everything! Seeing Amalia love on that baby boy is going to break your heart wide open! xoxo

    2.19.21 · Reply
  4. Leah said:

    So excited for you guys! We made a special basket of activities for our three year old to use when I was nursing the baby. This helped a lot.

    2.19.21 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Very cute idea, I love this!

      2.25.21 · Reply
  5. Laura said:

    Love this since we are due at the same time. The nesting right now is REAL! Now I just need to find someone to do my to do lists for me Question, do you mind sharing who/what you used for hypnobirthing? I would love to try some practices and meditations. Thanks for always sharing so openly! Xoxo

    2.19.21 · Reply
    • Stacey said:

      I was just about to write pretty much the same comment! I’m due at the end of March and might be behind the game here but would love to try hynobirthing too. If anyone has places they loved I would be so excited to hear recommendations too!

      2.21.21 · Reply
  6. Jessica said:

    You should def get a new pump even if the old one works. They aren’t designed to last for years— even though they may. Also Honeypot makes a great postpartum pad that has a cooling effect without actually being frozen!

    2.19.21 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Good to know, thank you!

      2.25.21 · Reply
  7. Helen said:

    I am so glad you are taking time off! Enjoy and spend time soaking in the baby snuggles. We’ll be here when you get back 🙂

    2.19.21 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Aww thanks Helen 🙂

      2.25.21 · Reply
  8. Brooke said:

    The Freya app is a hypnobirthing friendly contraction timer! Love it and it also has guided meditations.

    2.21.21 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Amazing. I’ll download it today. Thanks for the rec!

      2.25.21 · Reply
  9. Janie said:

    Hi, Julia! Would you be able to share the link to the baby book you posted in your stories recently? Thank you!

    3.26.21 · Reply