Amalia’s Favorite Christmas Books

The Best Toddler Christmas Books

Amalia’s love for books is still going strong! We read together for literally hours each day, so needless to say I’m getting sick of the same books over and over. I thought I’d change things up for the holiday season and get her some Christmas-themed toddler-approved books for something new and exciting. These would make a great stocking stuffer for your little one of a fun gift to give to a friend with a baby or toddler.

She’s not quite old enough for my favorite childhood Christmas classics like The Polar Express, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, or The Snowman, but I think next year we’ll be closer to that level though and I can’t wait! For now, her toddler Christmas book collection is keeping us occupied. We’ve been doing most of our reading snuggled under a blanket lately and that is the one positive about the freezing temps around here. It’s absolute heaven!

Little Blue Truck’s Christmas: Amalia loves all of the Little Blue Truck books, so when I saw the Christmas version on sale at Target a while back, I snapped it up. It  has a good rhyme, lots of animals she can point out, and the last page is flashing Christmas lights which can keep her occupied for quite some time.

Llama Llama Jingle Bells: The Llama Llama series is another fan favorite in our house. They’re short and sweet so I end up reading this one approximately 15 times in a row before she gets sick of it.

First 100 Christmas Words: We have another 100 Words book and she goes for it time and again, so I picked up this one on a whim and within two weeks she knows every single word. She can’t say most of them but I’ll ask her where is Santa or where is the snowman, and she knows! It’s incredible to watch that, so I highly recommend this one if you’re looking for something a little more educational.

Dear Santa: If you have the classic Dear Zoo book, this one will look familiar! Amalia loves books with flaps she can lift up and this one reveals a bunch of presents that Santa is bringing to a little kid.

Where is Baby’s Christmas Present? We have been reading Where is Baby’s Belly Button? since Amalia was an infant and most of the flaps are broken off which is a huge bummer. But this one is cute and interactive and also goes by quickly so I end up reading it multiple times in a row whenever she pulls it out.

What are your favorite toddler Christmas books? I’m always ready to expand our collection!

Photo by Julia Dags.


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  1. Rachael Harten said:

    That’s Not my Reindeer is still my 3.5 year old’s favorite.

    12.10.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Adding to my list, thank you!

      12.10.18 · Reply
  2. Libby said:

    It is so sweet that she loves books!! Books are my favorite gifts to give little ones!! Can’t wait for you when she is old enough for christmas classics!!

    xoxo Libby

    12.10.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      I can’t wait either! I know she’s going to love them and it makes me tear up to think about reading them to her.

      12.10.18 · Reply
  3. Leah said:

    I did a book advent calendar for my son who is one and here are some of my favorites:
    1. Merry Christmas Little Pookie
    2. Merry Christmas, Little One!
    3. Our Little Deer (Made With Love)
    4. I Love You Snow Much
    5. Eight Jolly Reindeer
    6. The Littlest Elf
    7. The Littlest Christmas Star
    8. The Littlest Reindeer
    9. The Christmas Quiet Book
    10. Up on the Housetop
    11. Jingle Bells
    11. Counting our way to Santa

    I got most of the above from the Scholastic website which you can get very cheap!
    The rest I got in a book set from Costco which was $15.99 for 8 books! I also got a Halloween set back in October from there.

    12.10.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Ok this list is gold, thank you! Looking them all up right this second!

      12.10.18 · Reply
  4. JRB said:

    This may be a little too young, but my (almost) one year old LOVES this book and it’s so cute! I like that the flaps are felts so she can play with it alone and I don’t have to worry about her ripping them, and she loves the mirror.

    12.10.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Oh that is so cute! We have a book from that same series (Where is the Unicorn) and she used to love it but isn’t into the felt flaps so much anymore. But that’s a great one for a baby for sure!

      12.10.18 · Reply