A Second Update From the ‘Burbs

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It’s been almost 2 months since Anel and I peaced out of that filthy and beautiful island that we called home for so long. Last time I updated you, we had been living in Connecticut for less than 3 weeks and I was still spinning from the change. That spinning hasn’t stopped but it has certainly slowed down since my last update.

My pros and cons list is below but overall, it’s still definitely the best decision we’ve ever made. Moving out here has been a gigantic, alien change but we’re getting more used to our new life every day.


  • I think one of the biggest changes is that I am sleeping so much better. I sleep through the night because it’s so quiet and nothing wakes me up. It’s been incredible!
  • Everything is so much easier. I went to the DMV to get my CT license and everyone was so nice and helpful. The DMV in Manhattan was literally the 8th circle of Hell.
  • Decorating has been so fun. I don’t have to smush everything together, and there are so many options for furniture when your living room isn’t the size of a closet!
  • What’s fun about Connecticut is that there are so many cute little towns close together so there are a lot of places to explore. This weekend is one of our first at home without traveling so we look forward to going on a local adventure or two.
  • Everything is so much cheaper. Even at Whole Foods! A large fresh green juice at Whole Foods is $2 cheaper than in Manhattan. Same ingredients, same product, less money. It’s magical.


  • I miss my sister. A lot. She’s my rock and oftentimes the only person who understands me. Not seeing her as often has taken a huge toll on both of us. I’m excited that she’s coming to visit on Friday!
  • When I’m exhausted after a long day, ordering in isn’t really an option. There are 2 decent places that deliver to us but it’s not the same. In Manhattan, I could order a vegan/gourmet/Paleo/whatever meal and have it at my door within 30 minutes. Any day. Any time. Now we’re limited pretty much to sushi, Chinese food, and pizza which doesn’t feel quite as special.
  • Manicures are way more expensive and take FOREVER. I miss my nail salons in the city!
  • I have a few friends here (ok 2) who are amazing but I haven’t found my crew yet. Not having besties to rely on and see on a weekly basis is a big change.
  • Because of the fact above, I work all the time. I get up, blog, go to work, come home, work, blog and go to bed pretty much every night.

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  1. Jen S. said:

    Julia, actually (besides the lack of finding your crew and the expensive manis!), your life in CT sounds amazing. I gave up noisy, busy city life in Atlanta several years ago and moved to the burbs. Hubby joined me when we got married 2+ years ago. We now I focus so much more on ourselves/our family, our pets, our volunteer work, and our hobbies. For us, the quiet life is a great life! I wish you and Anel a great life in CT, as well!


    11.6.14 · Reply
  2. Heidi D. said:

    Your life sounds amazing, Julia! Sounds like the best of both worlds:)

    Heidi D.

    11.6.14 · Reply
  3. Dina said:

    I felt the same way about friends when my husband and I moved to Stamford 2 years ago. Not the same without having them around!

    11.6.14 · Reply
  4. Kiki said:

    CT looks so beautiful (from what I’ve seen in photos). I hope all is well and that you settle into your new life accordingly. (:


    11.6.14 · Reply
  5. Katie Urban said:

    Manicures in Manhattan are SO CHEAP! I love your astute analysis of the pros and cons of city versus CT living. I am sure as time goes on, you’ll get more adjusted ๐Ÿ™‚

    xo katie // a touch of teal

    11.6.14 · Reply
    • Erin Haslag said:

      Fo’ reals on the cost of manis & pedis. I haven’t had a single manicure since leaving the city. It’s 2x as much at minimum and no Mon-Thursday deals to be found anywhere!

      11.6.14 · Reply
  6. Hallie Wilson said:

    Looking forward to seeing you and exploring your city this weekend ๐Ÿ™‚

    11.6.14 · Reply
  7. healthyhitsthespot said:

    Hope you can connect with some good friends soon! My husband and I are moving away in 2 weeks and that’s my #1 concern. Hopeful I can meet people through our Church there.

    11.6.14 · Reply
  8. CompassionateLee said:

    Your pros and cons are pretty spot on when it comes to transitioning from city life to suburban life. However, I would have to agree with you life in the suburbs is worth it. The landscape and the quiet are hugs pros …Happy Thursday, Julia ๐Ÿ™‚


    11.6.14 · Reply
  9. Rebecca {at} Preppy Panache said:

    I love this. I’m still struggling with the burbs and I miss the city constantly. I hate the commute, but love the space.

    11.7.14 · Reply
  10. Kim Fleming said:

    I’ve been wondering how you’ve been adjusting to life in the burbs & it sounds like things are going well. It’s so funny to hear about the cheap manis in NYC — I’ve heard that before. I always think “there is actually something cheap in Manhattan???” ha!

    11.7.14 · Reply
  11. Roxanne Carmen said:

    I love how personal this is, and since I’m new to your blog this made me get to know you a bit better. I will continue to check in and say hi!!! Come check out my blog when you have a chance!

    Roxanne Carmen

    11.8.14 · Reply
  12. Roy Hansen said:

    The thing about a blogger is… you’re certain to meet a ton of new people in the new area too, or at least those who are close enough to make the trip to you themselves.

    11.9.14 · Reply
  13. cDs said:

    I’m still adjusting to my move too! Change is scary but isn’t it refreshing?

    11.10.14 · Reply