Wedding Love

Now that our venue is finally chosen (a weight has been lifted!), I can start to focus on the fun part of planning our wedding. The flowers, the colors, the cake, and the DRESS! Here are a few images from the early stages of my vision board. There are so many ideas flowing through my head, it’s hard to reign it all in. The first step? Writing out a budget for each area of the wedding and prioritizing what is important to us.

Of course all of these images and more can be found on my iDoLove vision board on Pinterest!







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  1. Lauren said:

    So I was walking to work this morning and I passed a bakery with a cake exactly like the one you have here and I thought it would be perfect for your wedding with yellow frosting instead of pink! What a coincidence that you posted this image today. Great minds think alike?
    Your wedding is going to be gorgeous!

    7.27.11 · Reply
  2. Lara said:

    A belated hooray and congratulations!!! And what gorgeous inspirations you’ve posted here. Especially LOVE the cake and the hair!

    7.27.11 · Reply
  3. Sdallemolle said:

    Hi there! I’m Stephanie, a fellow IIN grad. I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog! I’m recently engaged and have been thinking of a Rhode Island wedding. I  was wondering which venue you are having yours at.

    6.25.12 · Reply