My Weekend in Photographs

{My new Kindle cover}

It was a snowy and freezing weekend here in New York City so we spent a lot of time under blankets reading our Kindles and watching movies (I finally saw The Help, and yes I cried hysterically), while cookies were baking in the oven. It was also time for taxes, so a lot of time was spent on TurboTax, where I tried to pretend like I understood anything about taxes. We also bought new bedding and finally washed it and put it on the bed this weekend. It’s funny how something like a new duvet cover can change the entire look of our apartment.

I did leave my house a few times, once for a lovely dinner party hosted by my friend who cooked coconut crusted shrimp with mango green curry dipping sauce and “un-fried” quinoa (yum). Then we ventured out on Sunday to watch football with my family and celebrate the Chinese New Year by ordering in from Shun Lee. Here it is, in photos!

{A baking experiment…stay tuned for more!}

{New monogrammed pillowcases}

{A pretty dinner party spread}

{Shun Lee’s crispy beef via}

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