Holiday in Philly

Lemon Stripes in a J.Crew Coat

Six more sleeps until Christmas, you guys! I can hardly believe it, but it’s true. Q4 flew by and 2016, the craziest year in so many ways, is coming to a close. Anel and I wanted to do something special for one of our last weekends of the year, so we drove down to Philadelphia for my sister’s annual caroling party and made a romantic weekend out of it. The city itself was decked out in all kinds of holiday decor which made me the happiest girl in the world. Everything was sparkly and cheerful… despite the rain we got on Sunday.

I was clearly in a festive mood with my red coat, and people kept stopping me in the street to compliment me on it. Unfortunately it’s sold out in this particular color but it’s still available in green (my sister has it, so cute!) and is 40% off today with code HOLIDAY. And how cute is this navy pom hat, currently 50% off?

We stayed at The Ritz Carlton, Philadelphia, which turned out to be in the center of everything (this was only my second time to Philly) and right across the street from “Christmas Village”, a holiday market that we wandered around and enjoyed. The hotel itself was beautiful, and our 26th floor room had incredible views. I booked a facial on Sunday morning, which was such a luxury. I usually never cheat on Bonnie, but the newly freezing temps had my skin doing all kinds of things that it should never be doing.  I’m so happy that I did because she cleared up a breakout and simultaneously hydrated the dry spots.

Even though it was only one night and not even two full days, getting out of town and doing something new felt refreshing and exciting. Anel and I have been working so hard on his business and my holiday campaigns, that we haven’t had much time to just enjoy each other’s company. The next few weeks are going to be a blur of family and friends and cooking and presents, so it was the perfect time to getaway.

To be honest, we didn’t see much of the city besides what was in walking distance of the hotel. We checked out Reading Terminal for cheesesteaks (yum!) and just kind of walked around aimlessly, popping into stores and exploring. When I was there in September for her birthday, my sister and I went to Cheu Noodle Bar (we’re both ramen obsessed) and Fork, an upscale farm to table spot, perfect for a special occasion. Let me know any recs you have for my next trip. I’ll probably go back to visit in the spring!

Her party on Saturday night was incredible. My sister has more friends than anyone I know and can pack a room like you’ve never seen. Every year, her guy friends get together and go caroling. They’re a huge group of giant dudes, so the whole thing is simultaneously comical and heartwarming.

Red Coat

Christmas Village Philadelphia

The Ritz Carlton Philadelphia

Christmas in Philly

Holiday Coat

Coat + Similar Coat (40% off with code HOLIDAY)/ Hat5050 Boots (20% off)

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  1. cDs said:

    I grew up with family in Philly. Not sure if it’s still around but there used to be a great light show I believe in Lord and Taylor in center city. Just sweet and fun to watch!
    x0x0 Caroline

    12.19.16 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      I didn’t see it but next year, will have to check it out!

      12.19.16 · Reply
  2. Dana Mannarino said:

    Sounds like such a fun weekend! I’m not a huge fan of Philly (only because I’m a born and raised New Yorker + also a Pittsburgh sports fan…so all of that fuels the hate;)), but I have to admit, the city is beautiful!

    Pink Champagne Problems

    12.19.16 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      It really is! And the food doesn’t suck either 🙂

      12.19.16 · Reply
  3. Laura said:

    Philly is the best! My husband and I went to college there, then lived in NYC (which we loved), and then spent a few years back in Philly. Unfortunately we are no longer there, but the city truly is wonderful and has amazing restaurants! Next time check out Barbuzzo, Double Knot, Bud & Marilyns (they are actually all on the same block) and Vedge, which is a vegan restaurant, is one of the best restaurants in Philly. There is also a more casual version of Vedge called V Street. Laurel is supposed to be amazing, but unfortunately we never made it there. There are so many beautiful streets in Philly, particularly in Old City. We used to live in Rittenhouse and one of our favorite things to do was just to walk from around 18th street all the way down to the water in Old City. You should definitely go back in the spring!

    12.19.16 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      Amazing, thank you for those recs! Just added them to my list and will check out as many as I can next time I’m there.

      12.19.16 · Reply
  4. Diana Pearl said:

    I’m dying to plan a weekend trip to Philly, and 2017 needs to be the year I make it happen! Sounds like you had a great weekend — and I love your hat!

    x Diana //

    12.19.16 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      You should! It’s such a cool city with a lot of great food. Who knew?

      12.19.16 · Reply
  5. Lauren Anne said:

    Sounds like such a fun weekend! And the visual of big dudes singing carols has me cracking up at my desk!


    12.19.16 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      It was hilarious 🙂

      12.19.16 · Reply
  6. Hannah said:

    I’m ramen obsessed, too! Let me know if you’re ever in LA, SF or Seattle and in need of a good ramen rec. 🙂

    xx Hannah //

    12.19.16 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      I always need good ramen recs! What are your faves in LA + SF?

      12.19.16 · Reply
      • Hannah said:

        In LA, I love Tsujita Annex on Sawtelle (make sure you go to the annex, not the other Tsujita across the street). It’s the best ramen I’ve had in my life, and it’s what started my obsession. Fair warning though, it’s suuuper rich so it’s definitely in the eat-it-only-once-a-year/splurge category. In SF, I like Mensho Tokyo (bonus, it’s right down the street from one of my favorite bars in the city: Rye), Izakaya Sozai (the spicy tuna on crispy rice is also a must here), and Ramen Shop in Oakland. 🙂

        12.19.16 · Reply
  7. Devon said:

    This looks so magical! I’m loving your fun coat! xo Devon Seventeen Dresses

    12.19.16 · Reply
  8. Lydia Marie Elizabeth said:

    I moved from Greenwich to Philly two years ago (now! wow, how time flies!) So fun you came down! If you come down again soon you have to try out XIX Nineteen and Harp and Crown! Two current favs! 🙂
    Also you’re looking adorable as usual!!

    12.23.16 · Reply