No Coat Necessary

Plaid Shirt

Plaid shirt, c/o Sail to Sable skirt (size down), tights, pink pumps, c/o Loren Hope necklace, pearl necklace, unworn white coat

So like what’s with this weather though? Said everyone ever this weekend. The whole 65 and sunny in December thing is all fun and games now but thinking about why it’s so warm is mildly terrifying to put it lightly. Pushing those thoughts aside, this weekend was gorgeous in Connecticut. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and my coats were resting peacefully in the coat closet as I had no use for them.

Anel and I spent almost the whole weekend working on the house- We set up my desk (I can’t wait to share my home office with you soon!), installed a new couch in the TV room, bought a new kitchen table, and re-organized a bunch of stuff we had thrown together when we first moved in. Today is the first day in weeks that I can say that I feel at home in my new house. It was rough for a while. I’m incredibly sensitive to the space around me so having an empty living room and rooms full of boxes was unsettling. See updates on Instagram and Snapchat (@lemonstripes).

Although we probably should have ventured out more, I’m so happy that we got the house in order. We left the house though, I swear! We snuck in a boisterous dinner party with friends and a much needed date night which were nice breaks from all the work.

Plaid and Skirt

Plaid and Boucle

Pink Pumps

Plaid and Pearls

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  1. Caitlin Hummer said:

    Such a cute outfit! I love that skirt and your heels are the perfect pop of pink!
    xo, Caitlin

    12.14.15 · Reply
  2. Laura Kathleen @LauraAimeVous said:

    I agree, when my house isn’t together it’s so hard to get anything done or feel comfortable! Sounds like you got a lot done though!

    Laura | Laura Aime Vous

    12.14.15 · Reply
  3. Dana Mannarino said:

    Love love love this look with the pop of pink!

    Can’t wait to see your home office!

    Pink Champagne Problems

    12.14.15 · Reply
  4. Katie Urban said:

    Such a cute look, Julia! I am the same way — everything needs to have a place before I can really feel relaxed. Glad your house is starting to feel like home!

    12.14.15 · Reply
  5. Alyssa Thomas said:

    Loving this weather! The pink shoes are perfect!

    Alyssa | Glitter and Grey

    12.14.15 · Reply
  6. The Adored Life said:

    The weather was throwing me off but it was sooo perfect to not have to wear a coat! Love that skirt!

    The Adored Life

    12.14.15 · Reply
  7. Katie said:

    This outfit is so cute!


    12.14.15 · Reply
  8. Tabitha said:

    You look so cute in this skirt!

    12.14.15 · Reply
  9. Kelly in the City said:

    This is so cute, Julia! And totally with you on the weather. 🙂 So nice, right?!

    Mitch and I also have those days in which all we do is work on the house. But it pays off in the long run, for sure. 😉


    Kelly | Kelly in the City

    12.15.15 · Reply