Oh hi… It’s been a minute! Two months, to be exact. This is the longest I’ve ever gone without writing on Lemon Stripes since 2010. It felt very wrong but also very necessary.
Earlier in the summer, at the beginning of my book tour, I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus and it totally knocked me off my feet for a while there. EBV is basically a flare up of Mono so anyone who had that in high school or college can get it. The main symptom is that it makes you unbelievably tired 24/7. I would sleep for 12 hours then need to nap for another two during the day. Simple things like running errands would leave me exhausted. It was rough!
But I worked with a naturopath who helped me to build up my immune system with food and supplements and in a matter of months about 2.5 months, I started feeling more like myself.
Our schedules were all over the place with book events, the kids in camp, travel, and life in general so I kind of quietly decided to take a little break from here and focus on Instagram, which is where my income comes from. It was something I had to do to stay healthy and sane but I missed it so much! I miss long-form writing, I miss connecting with you guys in another place, and I miss the purpose it gives me.
Last week I was all ready to come back swinging, but I got knocked out again but a bacterial infection in my stomach. Apparently the universe wanted me to wait a little longer. Anyway I’m here and SO EXCITED to be back.
On Monday I’ll have a major “random things” post with everything I’ve read, watched, and loved over the last few months.
Have a great weekend!