This week is Amalia’s last in Kindergarten which is, naturally, turning me into a basket case. She was voted “most changed” when they compared photos from the first day of school to the end of the year. You can only imagine the sob-fest when I found out that fun little fact. And she really has. She looks (and sometimes talks) like a little teenager lately.
Luckily I’ve been very busy, in a good way, so have been able to keep my emotions at bay, for now anyway. Not to sound like a total broken record but I’m chugging along with the cookbook and learned yesterday I’m over 90% done with recipe writing and testing so that is a win. There is a lot of other writing involved and many more recipes to be photographed, but it feels like a win, nonetheless.
This book and the whole process brings me so much joy, I can’t even tell you. It’s by far the most fun I’ve ever had with work in my life. But because it is so labor-intensive, and I feel like I’m slipping everywhere else.
As you may have noticed, I didn’t post anything on the blog last week. It’s a weird feeling but I am giving so much of my time and creative energy to the book, that I’m finding it hard to focus on my “real job” if you will. I’ve been trying to embrace the chaos, as the people suggest, but that is not my strong suit. I don’t like not being on in all areas of life, but right now that’s just not always possible.
So here’s to trying to embrace the chaos and doing our best!
Pictured above: Blazer, pants, bag, sandals (gifted), necklace
Books –
The School for Good Mothers by Jessamine Chan: Wow. Ok so I finally felt ready to read this book and it was very very intense. The story follows Frida, a mother who made a huge mistake that resulted in CPS being called on her. In this fictional landscape, CPS has started a new program to “rehab bad mothers” which is, in actually, pretty terrifying. It made me think a lot about what makes a good mother and also was incredibly difficult to read having my own two kids. That said, it felt important and I could not put it down.
Swipe Up for More by Stephanie McNeal: I pre-ordered this book 6 months ago and devoured it in just a few days. Steph McNeal gives a look behind the curtain into the world of online influencers. Obviously having done this myself for over a decade, I’ve seen a lot of what she writes about, but I loved hearing the stories of other women in the industry. She and the influencers she interviewed made me feel more validated in my profession which is often looked at by society as a joke. I hope there’s a part two soon!
The Push by Ashley Audrain: I forgot to bring a book on a trip recently and picked this one up at the airport. It was, I think, the darkest book I’ve ever read and seriously triggering for all mothers but definitely do NOT read this book if you have a baby. Please just trust me on that. I had no idea what I was getting into. Without giving away the story I’ll just say that it was about a mother who is convinced something is very wrong with her daughter… but no one believes her. It’s a page-turner, that’s for sure.
TV Shows –
Jury Duty (Prime): My heart will be warm and fuzzy from Jury Duty for the rest of my life. If you haven’t seen or heard anything about this pop-culture phenomenon, Jury Duty is a show disguised as a documentary about serving on jury duty to one juror, Ronald Gladden. Little does he know, everyone else on the jury, as well as the judge, lawyers, and plaintiff are all actors. It is laugh-out-loud funny as the actors put Ronald in weirder and weirder situations. I cannot recommend this show enough!
The Diplomat (Netflix): I was a huge fan of The Americans with Keri Russell so obviously had to try her newest show, The Diplomat. I was hooked after only an episode. She plays a (you guessed it), diplomat who is asked to be the US Ambassador to the UK during some seriously trying times. She is fantastic, as always, and while it gives slightly old-school network TV vibes I’m a fan.
1. Fanny pack diaper bag: Has a less sexy product title ever been written? Name aside, our cute new diaper bag packs a punch. It’s small but mighty including a build-in changing pad, a big pouch for diapers and wipes, a wet bag pocket, a first-aid kit, and a small zip pouch for your phone. It feels much better to carry than a giant tote or backpack. We’ve officially made the switch and it’s taken quite the literal load off.
2. Free People shortalls (more sizes available here): My inner 12 year old is just so happy that denim shortalls are back. I find myself wearing them more than jean shorts lately. I love that they cover everything up when I’m not feeling my greatest and look so cute with a tank (see below), tee, or long sleeved top.
3. J.Crew striped tank (on sale): I haven’t been asked for a link to a product this much in a long time. You guys are loving this cute tank. The cut makes your shoulders and arms look fantastic and works perfectly with jean shorts. I also wore this similar top in navy yesterday that I found at Target for $8.
4. Wide-leg jeans in Summer Coastal wash: I was influenced by my manager, Carly, to buy these after seeing them on her. They are such a cool-girl jean and perfect for summer. They run pretty big so I recommend sizing down. I ended up having to go down two full sizes. In other J.Crew bottom news, these linen shorts are another summer staple for me lately. I have them and white and wore them in this Reel.
5. Car tissue holders: And to round out the list the most random item of the month. I accidentally almost got into someone else’s car a few weeks ago that looked identical to mine except for the fact that it had a cute round tube of tissues that fit perfectly in the cup holder. When I finally found my actual car, two parking spaces over, I immediately bought the same one (which comes as a four-pack) on Amazon. They have other patterns too and they can be re-filled! I no longer have a giant clunky box of tissues for my kids banging around the back seat. This is for sure my micro-joy of the month.