
Some may say that flying across the country for two nights and only one full day just to see another human is insane. Others may have a sister and understand. There is nothing in the whole world like the relationship between two sisters and I happen to have the best one out there.

My baby sis, Lauren, moved to San Fransisco from Philly the same month that Amalia was born and until recently, I hadn’t realized how hard that was on both of us. We’ve lived near each other ever since I moved back to New York 10 years ago, and being physically apart has been a big adjustment… But it also makes the time that we do spend together that much more special.

People are always asking me when we’re going to give Amalia a sibling, and while I’m not even close to ready right now, I know that we will because I can’t imagine my life without my own sister and I want her to have that kind of relationship with a sibling too.

So, what were we doing in SF? Let me explain…

Two years ago on her birthday, I drove down to Philly to surprise her for the day. It was a Tuesday and I knew she had taken the day off of work so I did too. When she answered the door and saw me, she was in such shock that she slammed the door in my face, literally!

When she finally realized what was going on, I explained that I was there for a “day of fun” (Anyone remember that Friends episode?). We had no plans, and the only rule was that we had to be open to wherever the day took us… And it had to be fun!

We ended up at a beer garden, visiting the Liberty Bell, getting multiple cheesesteaks, eating ice cream before lunch, and going out to a fancy dinner. Basically, it involved a lot of food. Because we’re Italian and food = fun, duh.

We’ve talked about doing day of fun again since then. But she moved to San Francisco and I had a baby so it seemed like another spontaneous day like this was out of reach.

But now that Amalia’s a little older and I can more easily leave her for a day or two (although it’s still not easy), I decided to fly out to see her for day of fun 2.0. It was the first time we’ve gotten to spend time alone together in over a year and it felt so good.

We had breakfast with my mom, went for a beautiful hike, got second piercings in our ears, had mid-day cocktails, and met up with her fiancé and friends for dinner. Plus we were able to sneak in a quick 20 minute photo shoot because we rarely get any great photos together.

And yes, we showed up in the same shoes

When will we have our next day of fun? No one knows, but I can’t wait!

My Shirt / My Jeans / Flats (on both of us) / Lauren’s Jeans (Her shirt is old) / Lauren’s Sunnies


My Shirt / My Jeans / Flats (on both of us) / Lauren’s Jeans (Her shirt is old) / Lauren’s Sunnies

Photos by Emily Dulla.

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  1. Tracy said:

    My sister and I are best friends, and therefore I totally understand the mini sister trip. We are even closer since our mom passed away and she didn’t have a great relationship with her own sister.

    Love the photoshops!

    5.7.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      I am so sorry to hear about your mother. But I’m glad that you have your sister to lean on. It’s such an important and special relationship!

      5.7.18 · Reply
  2. Allie said:

    That’s wonderful! And you both look great in the photos, I love the twinning shoes, and even your tops coordinate. I hope you have a wonderful Monday,

    5.7.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      We planned the shirts, but not the shoes haha!

      5.7.18 · Reply
  3. Angela said:

    I love these pictures- having a sister is the best! My sister and I are 20 years apart and still BFFS, we even just launched a t-shirt company together! Day of fun sounds like an amazing idea, I think I’m going to have to give that a try with my friends this summer!

    Angela | Cue the Coffee

    5.7.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      I love that! I have a half brother who is 25 years younger and we’re already close. I can’t wait to see where that relationship goes too 🙂

      5.7.18 · Reply
  4. Ashley Diamond said:

    Are these the natural mGemi or natural patent? Thanks!

    5.7.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      They are the natural patent. But I like the natural better, I have both! The patent just takes a little longer to break in, it’s more stiff.

      5.7.18 · Reply
  5. Justina said:

    This is so sweet! I have a little sister in Chicago and this is making me want to hop on a plane right now!

    5.7.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Do it! Go this weekend 🙂

      5.7.18 · Reply
  6. Alexandra said:

    I love this! I treasure my younger sister so much, especially when life gets tough. Knowing you have that one built-in person who knows you like no one else does makes life more fun! Glad you two got to spend a fun weekend together xo

    5.7.18 · Reply
  7. Christine H said:

    Your trip makes perfect sense to me! A sister visit is always worth it. My sister and I haven’t lived closer than 5 hours from each other in more than 14 years. I definitely wish we lived closer, but I feel like the distance has made us appreciate each other so much more. It’s even harder to get together now that we both have kids, but I hope our daughters will be bffs one day.

    5.7.18 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Mine swears she’s going to move back east before she has kids. Fingers crossed! I want our kiddos to be besties too.

      5.7.18 · Reply
  8. Laura H said:

    Love this post!! You and your sister look really close!! I have sisters too so I definitely understand!

    5.7.18 · Reply
  9. Emilia said:

    Oh, I love this! I do not have a “true” sister, but I am lucky to have a few of the step and in-law variety. Thanks for sharing!

    5.11.18 · Reply