2020 Goals

2020 Goals

Happy 2020!

I am blown away by all of you (1000 people!) who took my survey over the holidays. Your answers helped me map out what this year will look like for Lemon Stripes and I’m so grateful for that. It often feels like a one-sided conversation over here so hearing what you liked and didn’t like was really helpful and wonderful.

There was an overwhelming request for more sustainability and fitness/wellness content… and less unattainable fashion content. Noted!

Anel and I talked about it and since he’s not planning to expand again this year, he is open to creating more workout content for you guys. I know I said that last year but we had some major business shifts for Countdown.

But I’ll get more into that tomorrow when I review what’s coming up on the blog this year.

Today, I want to talk about my personal, professional, and financial goals for 2020 which is something I spent a lot of time thinking about over the break.

For the last 4 years, I’ve made a list of goals to complete by the end of the year, divided into categories. It’s a list that’s both achievable and aspirational so that I feel good about completing it, but it doesn’t feel stressful. Instead of resolutions, these tangible goals actually get done instead of being forgotten a few months into the year.

I keep this list on my phone under the notes app and look at it whenever I think to do so. Halfway through 2019 I added monthly calendar reminders to check out my goal list which helped me achieve a lot more in Q3 and Q4.

I like to use the word goal instead of resolution because if you don’t hit it, that’s ok. It’s just a goal!


Put Fair Play into action. If you’re in a relationship and haven’t read Eve Rodsky’s book, Fair Play, do so immediately. The way she talks about domestic tasks and emotional labor completely changed the way I look at my marriage. Anel and I have started to put her suggestions into action, but we’re ramping it into high gear this month. If we succeed, I will share how and what we did to make it work.

Decorate our house. We are slowly but surely buying furniture and decor for our new house, but it still feels like we have so far to go. Our goal is to complete the living room, family room (almost done), our master, Amalia’s room, and my home office by the end of this year. We also have a lot of work to do on the exterior (landscaping, siding, trees) and will be tackling that little by little over the next two years simultaneously. I love this stuff so much, it gets me so jazzed up!

Start a garden. Anel grew up on a farm and almost completely lived off the land as a child. He and his dad have grand plans to create a vegetable and herb garden in our backyard and, although I have zero green thumb, I’m excited to see how it turns out and cook with whatever they grow.

Go back to therapy. Last summer, I “graduated” from therapy but over the last few months, I’ve realized that it’s time to get back on track because I’ve been feeling some breakthrough anxiety symptoms and they don’t feel great.

Grow our family. We are finally having real conversations about the next step for our family and Anel and I both agree that we’re ready to grow our family in the next year or two. It’s exciting and scary at the same time but I finally feel ready for that next step.


Accountability. I make a lot of promises. This year, I intend to keep them. I can start by being more careful and thoughtful about what I promise around here.

Sustainability Challenges. I will be talking more about these tomorrow but it is the one thing I’m most excited about for Lemon Stripes 2020.

Time management. Working for yourself is awesome for many reasons, and one of them is the fact that your schedule can be flexible. But sometimes I take advantage of that too much and end up scheduling in too many things during the day which means I’m up late or up early working. I’m totally ok with that, but when I start getting antsy to work when I’m spending time with Amalia, it’s not good for either of us. So this year I’m hoping to be better about managing my time during working hours so that I’m totally free to be with her in the mornings and at night.

Build my marketing practice. I’ve been blogging for 10 years. That is a longgggg time and not at all what I expected when I started this thing! While there are aspects of it that I still love, I need another outlet. In 2019 I started building up my marketing consulting business BTS and have felt so fulfilled doing that work. This year, my goal is to grow that even more to see where it can take me.


Donate regularly. Instead of donating money only when there is a crisis or during the holidays, this year I’m setting up recurring monthly donations in small amounts for causes that I’m passionate about. It’s something that will make me feel good throughout the year, and ensure that the charities I love have my support year-round.

Spend more mindfully. Last year we tried to set up a strict monthly budget (one of my 2019 goals) and after trying in a few different ways, it ended up stressing us out more than it helped so we ditched that plan. We know exactly what we spend on monthly bills and generally how much we need for food, diapers, dog food, etc, but where we get tripped up is on random (unnecessary) Amazon purchases, home decor items, and impulse purchases on Target runs. Anel and I are both committing to cutting way down on impulse purchases and things we don’t need this year.

So there you have a handful of my many 2020 goals. What are some of yours?

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  1. Angela said:

    Happy 2020 to your family! Your posts and blog are one of the few I follow regularly!

    1.6.20 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Thanks Angela! Happy 2020 to you too xx

      1.6.20 · Reply
  2. Terese said:

    I have 2 young boys (ages 4 and 2) and I want them to know how good it feels to donate their time to meaning causes. Do you have any ideas for ways I can incorporate them into volunteering?

    1.6.20 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      I love that so much. My mom always had us volunteer as kids and it taught me a lot. I haven’t started with Amalia yet because I think she might be too young to grasp it but I bet your 4 your old would get it! I’m guessing a lot of places will say he’s still too young but definitely ask around.

      1.6.20 · Reply
  3. Alyssa said:

    Happy New Year! I’m so excited to hear more about the progress you make on your goals throughout 2020. I’m just finishing Fair Play and I agree, this has been life changing for me in my marriage and I’m having my husband listen to it so we can begin to implement it this year. We are looking to begin a family this year so I think this could be life changing for us as we move into this stressful but exciting time in life! I look forward to hearing how it works for you and Anel, the good bad and the ugly side 😉

    1.6.20 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      You are so smart to put it into place before becoming parents. I wish I had had it as a tool when Amalia was born. Would have saved us many arguments!

      1.6.20 · Reply
  4. Jennifer Record said:

    You have inspired me to work on my sustainability (Still doing good on the cut backs on ziplock bags. Your line about “when I start getting antsy to work when I’m spending time with Amalia, it’s not good for either of us” resonates with me..and not for a good reason. I get antsy for the same reason… def need to be more present. And to work on patience. I lost my patience years ago… 2020 2ill be the year I find it. <3

    1.6.20 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      We will work on patience together 🙂

      1.6.20 · Reply
  5. Jen said:

    Happy New Year, Julia! If there is interest (and you’re willing to share), I’d love to read a future post on how you built up your marketing clients. That seems to be the most daunting part of freelance/consulting work. Thank you!

    1.6.20 · Reply
  6. Ailsa Emmel said:

    Love all of your goals- you gave me some ideas. I’m here rooting you on.

    1.6.20 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Thanks lady! I’m rooting you on too 🙂

      1.9.20 · Reply
  7. Kim said:

    Such a great post and I love your honesty.

    1.6.20 · Reply
  8. Ann said:

    Your post is so good. I love your sweater and shoes. Where can I buy them?

    1.7.20 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Thanks! The sweater is old J.Crew (no longer available) and the shoes are Evolve footwear!

      1.9.20 · Reply
  9. Kari said:

    YAY! Great goals, I am excited to watch you conquer these over the year! I just added that book to audible- looks like something we could use as well! We also just bought a home and I am feeling better knowing you aren’t trying to get everything done!

    So of mine are to get our house in some order with our living room, son’s room, and our master area. I want to work harder and get a raise and figure out how to grow with the company I am with. I also want to pay off some debts, make healthier choices, and possibly expand our family.

    1.8.20 · Reply
    • Julia said:

      Congrats on your new home! Sounds like your home goals are very similar to ours. Kids room, living room, and master…. And I hope you conquer the rest of those goals too. All good ones!

      1.9.20 · Reply
  10. Christine said:

    Love your goals Julia! I have been reading and following your blog for awhile now. I love how you are always working on improving yourself, learning, and staying true to you. Best wishes for a wonderful 2020!

    1.9.20 · Reply