Highly Sensitive


Photo by Kate McElwee

From a young age, I’ve always been more sensitive than other people in my life. My mom likes to tell me that I am a “highly sensitive person” which apparently is a real thing. This is obviously an incredibly vague statement so let me drill down into a few ways that I’m overly sensitive in my life and how I’ve worked to overcome those.

Fun fact- I have a tattoo. It’s tiny, hidden, and matches one on my sister. When we went to get tatted up 6 years ago, I decided to go first. The super hot tattoo man started piercing my skin with the needle and I absolutely freaked out. I was digging my fingernails into my arm to try to deter the pain on my hip, sweating profusely, and trying not to scream. My sister saw this and almost didn’t get hers because she didn’t go through it. The second she started hers, she looked at me and laughed, asking if I was joking with my horrifying reaction. I wasn’t. Shocker!

The Cure:
When I feel “extreme pain” (aka a paper cut. JK. Kind of.). I mostly focus on deep breaths and trying to meditate, focusing my mind on the rise and fall of my breath. The idea is to take the mind off of the pain which gets worse when I focus on it.

Calling me a high-maintenance sleeper would be the understatement of the century. I’ve had insomnia for my entire life and it’s only gotten worse with age. I’ve been working on it for years but I’ve never quite been able to kick it

The Cure:
Here are my tips for a better sleep. I hope they help!

When my husband gets a cold, it lasts for a day or two. He’ll pass it along to me and I’ll be sick for a week and have a cough for 3 weeks after wards. Every time!

The Cure:
I try to stay holistic when it comes to treating my colds and flus. I’ve learned that it’s all about drinking a ton of liquid and sleeping as much as possible. You can find my under-the-weather tips here.

My Teeth:
34-cute-and-goofy-engagement-photos-with-ices 2

The Cure:

I’ve been using special toothpastes and have tried them all. None of them did much for me. Last week, however, I discoveredCrest SensiStop Strips at the media launch of the product. Think Crest White Strips but for tooth sensitivity. I walked around the event, listening to real people talk about how they could finally eat ice cream and drink hot coffee. “Yeah right”, I thought. No way that one tiny little piece of paper makes such a difference.

I went home and immediately tried it, highly doubting that I’d get any results. Mind. Blown. It’s been a week and I’ve felt zero sensitivity on my problem area. All I had to do was put one strip on my teeth where it’s sensitive for 10 minutes and now I’ll be good to go for a whole month.

This post was sponsored by Crest but I’m a true fan of Sensi-Strips! The opinions expressed in this post are 100% my own as always.

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  1. Heidi D. said:

    I hear ya on being sensitive! I need to try these strips!

    Heidi D.

    8.5.14 · Reply
  2. Holly + Casey said:

    Sensitive are just in tune with feelings…? Right. Ive been told I am a sensitive person too.

    8.5.14 · Reply