Chocolate Avocado Pudding

Chocolate Avocado Pudding Recipe

Let me preface this post by saying it’s really hard to take appetizing pictures of chocolate pudding! I tried, but you’ll just have to trust that it tastes way better than it looks.

Last week, my friend Gabi was cooking for a big party and had bought 60 avocados, so she had some leftover. She brought me 12 and I had no idea what I was going to do with them all. A girl can only eat so much avocado toast! I started googling avocado recipes but wasn’t feeling inspired. Then, randomly, I was scrolling my Facebook feed and found this Popsugar video for chocolate avocado pudding. TBH, I’d always been pretty grossed out by the concept of avocado as a dessert, but for some reason this spoke to me.

I recreated the recipe with a little less cocoa, subbed in coffee for espresso powder,  swapping in maple syrup for the honey, and leaving out the cacao nibs (I was fresh out!) and served it with strawberry slices. I also decided against serving it in the avocado shells because it looked kind of gross to me.

It turned out creamy, sweet (but not too sweet), and so satisfying. For someone who is now craving sweets on the regular, but trying to feed myself and this baby lots of nutritious foods, this recipe is the perfect solution. It tasted similar to the pudding cups of my youth, so there was some nostalgia there too.

I’m making it again this weekend for some friends, and can see it becoming a regular in my house. Don’t knock it ’til you try it!


– 3 ripe avocados
– 1/4 cup cocoa powder
– 1 tspn coffee grinds
– 1/3 cup maple syrup
– 3 tblspns coconut milk
– 1 tspn vanilla extract
– 1 tspn sea salt
– 1 tblspn cacao nibs (optional)


-Blend all ingredients in a food processor or blender.
-If using cacao nibs, stir in by hand.

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