I get to spend almost a full 24 hours on airplanes today. Jealous?
I’m not even upset about it because I know that once we land on a tropical island, all of my worries will melt away. My husband, sister, and I are off to meet my dad and his wife with my baby brother in Singapore, where we’ll all take a boat to a beautiful Indonesian island for the next 8 days to celebrate my dad’s birthday together. After that, I’ll hop back on a plane to Tokyo to accompany him on a business trip. Not a bad way to spend the month of March!
I have tons of posts all ready to go so you’ll still get your daily Lemon Stripes fix. Want some travel tips? Check out my posts on how to create the ideal travel outfit here and how to pack the perfect carry on here.
Have a wonderful trip! Jealous!!
Have an amazing time!! I’m so jealous!
Wow that sounds like quite the trip! Have an amazing time! going to live vicariously through you. I am having the travel itch these days lately but no travel budget haha
Very good!