If It Makes You Happy

This shirt is ridiculous…

Yeah I said it. I mean the sleeves, the hot pink gingham, the whole kit and kaboodle.

But you know what? I love it anyway. It makes me happy to look at and it makes me happy to wear! I fully realize that my husband will make fun of me each and every time I do, calling me everything from Jerry Seinfeld to a picnic blanket, but the punchy pink and fun silhouette bring a smile to my face so I’m going for it.

Most of the time, I don’t spring for trendy or over-the-top pieces, but I’m so glad I did just this once. Sometimes it feels good to step a little outside of your comfort zone and wear something that is sure to get a few comments and stares.

If this pink number isn’t your thing, some other interesting silhouetted-tops that I’ve come across and loved lately are this pretty striped one and this ruffle one that comes in navy and pink. Side bar, as I was looking for a fun shirt, I found this top which made me laugh because what?!?

As I was putting this post together last night, I needed a little extra smile because I picked up a stomach bug from Amalia over the weekend and it knocked me out. Luckily she is completely over it and I’m probably 80% as of this morning so things are looking up for the week!

Gingham Shirt / White Jeans / Gingham Flats c/o / Sunnies

Gingham Shirt / White Jeans / Gingham Flats c/o / Sunnies

Photos by Carter Fish.

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