Life Lately: Volume 116

Happy Friday!

It was so fun to put this post together and has felt so good to get back into blogging over the last two weeks. This week I've been feeling really healthy and good which is a nice change. It's crazy how when you're sick or in pain for a while how amazing it feels to just feel normal.

Buffalo Chicken Chili

With everything going on this summer, I stopped creating recipes and testing them completely. I missed it, but was just too tired and overwhelmed, and stuck to tried and true classics when I did cook. Now that I'm finally feeling better, it feels so good to get creative in the kitchen again!

I wanted to use some jalapeño peppers from the garden before they went bad and was craving a hearty soup, so the other night I decided to try my hand at a buffalo chicken chili and woah.

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Random Things: September

My last random things post was in May (woops), so this one is a doozy with lots of good stuff! It includes the books I've read, shows I've watched, and some of the things I'm loving right now.

Pictured above: shirt / bag


Reading/Read –

The Women by Kristin Hannah: Without a doubt this was my favorite book of 2024 so far.

Oh, Hello There

Oh hi... It's been a minute! Two months, to be exact. This is the longest I've ever gone without writing on Lemon Stripes since 2010. It felt very wrong but also very necessary.

Earlier in the summer, at the beginning of my book tour, I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus and it totally knocked me off my feet for a while there.

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