Life Lately: Volume 8

After an amazing California trip last week, I had a hard time coming back to the winter weather, but things perked up when one of my friends had the cutest little baby boy. I spent a day cuddling him, and it made me feel so much better.  I’m pretty sure the kid has magical powers.

And then Beyoncé made her big announcement, and everything was truly right in the world again!

This weekend, I’m shooting an exciting project that I’ve been working on for a few months, so be sure to visit the blog on Monday to see what I’ve been up to! In addition to work, we have some fun plans. My closest childhood friend is in town so I’ll get to see her for brunch before we head to another friend’s house for Super Bowl festivities.

From around the web

Bad lip reading. These videos always crack me up. I realize I’m a bit behind in sharing this bad lip reading compilation from inauguration day, but it makes me laugh so hard, I had to include it! Watch the video.

Bye bye, brassiness. I have this problem where every time I get my hair highlighted, it turns brassy within about four weeks. I’ve gone to multiple colorists, and it’s the same problem each time. Someone suggested that I try filtering my shower water as it might be a chemical in the water that’s causing the damage. I recently switched to an AromaSense shower head and so far, no brassiness! I can’t believe I waited so long to do this. I got this one but removed the aromatherapy piece because I like to shower at night and the lemon was too up-lifting. Shop it here.

Happiness in the midst of chaos. Hallie, my sweet friend, I love you and I love this post so much. Just read it, trust me.

Shop ’til you drop. I updated my shop page with a February wish list and all of my shopable Instagrams. Check it out.

What is feminism anyway? Grace wrote a beautiful piece about what it means to be a feminist in her mind. It was eloquently written and hit the nail on the head, in my opinion. I feel lucky to call her my friend! Read the post.

New swimsuit. I just picked up this adorable striped off-shoulder swimsuit for our trip to Florida in a few weeks. I can’t wait to wear it! Shop it here.

Recipe of the week. This weekend is going to be full of unhealthy choices for many. I love a good Superbowl Sunday spread as much as the next guy, but this buffalo wing popcorn recipe will give you the flavors you love, minus a lot of the crap… Just some of it! Get the recipe.

Currently reading: Based on Grace’s recommendation, I’m almost finished with The Perfume Collector. It’s a beautiful story of two women whose lives intertwine in the most surprising of ways. Set in Paris, it’s giving me major wanderlust! Plus I’ve learned quite a bit about perfume making. Buy the book.

Currently bingeing: I realize I’m way late to the game here but I finally started Shameless and I’m totally hooked. Is anyone else a fan?

Monogram madness. I just discovered the cutest shop on Etsy. If you love monograms as much as I do, you’ll be a fan too!  Shop here.

#BeyonceTwins. Unless you live under a rock, you know by now that Beyoncé is pregnant with twins. I was shocked when I saw her odd Instagram, but now I’m kind of diggin’ it! That picture is totally bizarre, and only Queen Bey could pull it off. Since then, the meme world has been blowing up. See a few of my favorites.

This week on the blog

Ice Cream in Venice
The Best Natural Products for Acne-Prone Skin
Pink Wrap Dress
All of the Swims (Spring break wish list)

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  1. Elizabeth Rogers said:

    One of my biggest issues after getting my hair highlighted is the brassiness/gold color it turns after a few weeks! Thanks for sharing, will definitely be trying those!

    2.3.17 · Reply
  2. AJ said:

    Christophe Robin makes a purple hair mask that I try to use once a week to keep my hair from getting too yellow! The smell is awful, but it doesn’t linger on your hair once it’s rinsed out.

    2.3.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      Oh amazing! I will check it out, thanks so much!

      2.3.17 · Reply
  3. Sarah said:

    Oh man! I just started Shameless too! I care too much about the Gallagher family. What a great show.

    2.3.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      OMG me too! Lip is my favorite. I feel like we could hang haha!

      2.3.17 · Reply
  4. Krystal // The Krystal Diaries said:

    Everytime I highlight my hair it turns brassy too. I’m trying a purple shampoo right now but if it doesn’t work I think I’ll try the shower head!

    2.3.17 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      The purple shampoo has done nothing for me! I’ve been using it for six months. It’s so frustrating. I’ll keep you posted on the shower head!

      2.3.17 · Reply
  5. Tracy Schwartz said:

    Hallie’s post was the most perfect post this weekend to read. Everyone should read it.

    I sent my sister’s BF the popcorn as he is making a “Buffalo” themed Superbowl Spread.

    Have a great weekend, Julia!

    2.3.17 · Reply
  6. Hallie Wilson said:

    Thanks for the link love. Hope you have a great weekend, my girl! xo

    2.3.17 · Reply
  7. Jenn J. said:

    I’m reading The Perfume Collector too (based on Grace’s recommendation)! It’s really nice to escape reality even if it’s for 15 minutes 🙂

    Also, I’m a lover of Shameless. You are in for quite the ride! Such a great show.

    2.3.17 · Reply
  8. graceatwood said:

    I have not seen Shameless yet but I want to!!! Currently bingeing Victoria – soooo good! xx

    2.3.17 · Reply
  9. Kalina Popova said:

    I want to start Shameless soon! Emmy Rossum is one of my all time favorite actresses!

    Kalina | Simply Semisweet

    2.4.17 · Reply
  10. Agnieszka Muszynska said:

    Amazing photo, let’s hope that you will like the book

    2.5.17 · Reply