Healthy 2013: January Recap


I made this image myself! Feeling very proud.

January is over and I’m happy to report that my Healthy 2013 plan is in full force and not slowing down anytime soon. My goal for January was to cross off all of the annoying things on my to do list that I’ve been meaning to do for the last several months (completely inspired by Gretchen Rubin in The Happiness Project). It was surprisingly not even that crazy to get this all done. I made a list of all the things I wanted to accomplish in January and then scheduled them throughout the month so they didn’t all happen this week as a last minute thought. See the full list below!

Because I knew that this project would be over at the end of the month, I felt an urgency to complete it and finish everything on my list. I really held myself accountable because I knew I would have to post about it here. Mind you, I did all this with a full time job, writing a full time blog, keeping my home OCD clean, and being a new wife. Trust me, if I can do it, so can you. I feel a load off of my shoulders now that these tasks aren’t constantly popping up in my mind as something to get done.

What’s in store for February? Here is the plan: Practice self-care by treating myself with lots of luxurious love. Each week I’ll schedule one of the following: a facial, a call with my Health Coach, a massage, and an acupuncture session. Talk about blissed out! Plus I’m making a pact with myself to work out at least 3 times each week for the month of February. I find when my body exercises and sweats, I feel better in all other areas of my life as well. Instead of getting things done this month, in February I’ll be focusing on treating myself and loving myself by doing things that make me feel great.

It’s not too late to join along with me in my Healthy 2013 plan. You can see all of the details here.

What I checked off of my To Do List in January
1. Went to my dermatologist for my yearly body scan and had a few moles biopsied (all good news to report!)
2. Had a teeth cleaning at the dentist…
3. Subsequently had to get a filling at said dentist a week later
4. Finally bought a new Macbook
5. Endured a yearly lady parts check up
6. Had my engagement ring re-sized (it was way too small!)
7. Updated my sponsor page and recipe page designs
8. Officially changed my last name with the DMV, bank, insurance companies, credit cards (not an easy task in New York City)
9. Roasted a whole chicken (Seriously, I’ve always wanted to do this!)
10. Cleaned out and re-organized our coat closet, our drawer full of random things in the kitchen, and our under the bed storage.
11. Re-folded everything in my dresser and cleaned out my clothes closet (which I do every quarter anyway but still felt good to add to my list)
12. Sent a bunch of overdue thank you cards
13. As I announced here, I quit my full time job to pursue blogging and starting my own business full time. Yes it was terrifying and yes I’m super excited. You’re about to see a lot out of this girl, I promise you that! I’m still working out what this will look like with timing and such so I’ll write more on this later when I know more.
14. Set up my business as an LLC

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  1. said:

    Wow! You had such a productive month. I remember being so proud of myself after going to the DMV, social security office, etc to change my last night. It is such a hassle!

    2.1.13 · Reply
    • Julia Dzafic said:

      such a hassle! but worth it in the end ๐Ÿ™‚

      2.1.13 · Reply
  2. Milna Mandusic said:

    Wow Im really impressed!

    Win a MAX Factor MASCARA: >> GIVEAWAY <<

    2.1.13 · Reply
  3. Curvatude said:

    Good for you! I look forward to seeing all the things to come for you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    2.2.13 · Reply
  4. Stephanie Cohen said:

    I am most proud of you for #1 ๐Ÿ˜‰

    2.2.13 · Reply
  5. mommahenn said:

    Julia, you so motivate me! I’m thrilled I met you, via the Internet, through IIN. Thank you for embracing who you are and sharing it with us. It is so refreshing.

    4.15.13 · Reply