My dress: Old Sail to Sable (Similar) / Amalia’s Dress: Ralph Lauren / Serena & Lily Glider c/o
Today I’m headed on a solo trip to San Fransisco to visit my mom and sister. I’ll be flying back on Sunday night so it’s a quick turnaround but we’re going to pack a lot of fun into two short days. I’m beyond excited to see them both, something that I don’t get to do as often as I did before Amalia was born.
I’m also weirdly excited about two uninterrupted airplane rides. I used to hate flying but now the thought of flying alone and being able to get work done slash watch a movie or two sounds like absolute heaven!
The week leading up to today went by in a blur.
Have a great weekend!
High & Low
Highest moment: For the last few days it’s been in the 80s and sunny and it’s giving me life. On Tuesday I did a photo shoot and was just so happy to be outside in the sunshine. I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face. Seriously, I love summer if you couldn’t tell… So even though my “moment” wasn’t actually a moment, the last three days have felt really really good.
Lowest moment: On Wednesday, Amalia completely refused her naps at day care and I had to pick her up early because she was such a mess. When I got her, she could barely keep her eyes open and ended up taking an almost three hour nap at home. I felt so bad seeing her so exhausted but we’re working with her teachers to fix the problem.
Any tips are more than welcome. If you’re going through something similar, read the comments on this Instagram post. A lot of moms had some great advice! As of now, our plan is to try to have her take one longer nap at day care instead of two shorter ones. I’ll report back on how that goes.
Around the Web
Madewell butterfly top. I picked up this striped butterfly top for my trip to San Francisco and it’s even better in person. I love the contrasting stripes and the cut of the shirt so much.
My new favorite sleep remedy. My therapist recently recommended that I try lemon balm for sleep (it also helps with anxiety) and I can’t believe how much it’s helped. I didn’t really know why so I looked it up and found some answers here. I take it under my tongue before bed and again if I wake up in the night.
Monogrammed tote. I shared it in yesterday’s post but had to share again because it’s so good. Baublebar has started doing monogrammed canvas totes ($80) and clutches ($65) and they’re so cute!
When people and companies are both brands. My sister sent me this article and it was interesting to read a business marketing perspective of “personal brands.”
Colorblock swing top. In. Love. With. This. Shirt.
Sex in long term relationships. Cultivating good sex in a long term relationship isn’t always the easiest thing, but I found this goop Q&A with an expert to offer some really helpful advice.
Deconstructed guacamole. This pretty little guacamole board from The Chalkboard Mag would make the perfect Cinco de Mayo appetizer.
Striped tumbler. This little “la di da” striped tumbler with a straw is on my wish list RN.
Grace’s May reading list. I post them every month because they’re always good. I pretty much only read books recommended by Grace these days. Her May reading list is live!
IVs in your home. I realized that I never wrote about this here but a few weeks ago a local IV company, Strive IV, reached out to me and came over to give me an energy boost via IV. I felt so amazing for the next few days and I would definitely do it again. Local people, check it out here.
Striped one piece. How perfect is this swim suit for the 4th of July? Slash all summer long…
Mother and child. This coffee table book is stunning and would be the perfect Mother’s Day gift.
This week on Lemon Stripes
Amalia’s First School Photos
Am I An Introvert?
Mother’s Day Gift Guide
Finding Your Anxiety Triggers
Yellow Stripes
I’m excited to read that article about personal brands, thanks! Graces book list is great, I can’t wait to delve into her picks while sitting by the pool this weekend! Happy Friday,
Just ordered the lemon balm! Hoping it helps with my anxiety, as well!
Oh good! Let me know how it goes.
Another great Mother’s Day book is “The Magic of Motherhood” – collection of wonderful essays about motherhood.
Good to know, thanks! I feel like it will make me cry haha.
Loved all the articles you shared this week! Hope you have a great time in SF!
Angela | Cue the Coffee
thanks, friend! xx
My daughter was having issues sleeping at daycare and we bought a small battery powered white noise machine that the daycare teachers turn on while she sleeps and it has really helped. She does use white noise at home so that may be why but worth a try if the sleep issues persist.
We just asked them to try the noise machine under her crib so your story makes me feel hopeful!!