Life Lately: Volume 43

Styled Dresser

I’m definitely not supposed to be sharing photos of my updated bedroom yet (the post is going live in two weeks, oops!) but I had to give you a sneak peek of what I’ve been working on with Prudence for the last two weeks. We completely transformed my master bedroom into a bright and airy space that is so comfortable and feels like it actually belongs to a real live adult. You can catch a little peek at the grasscloth ceiling which is maybe my favorite design element in the whole house now. It’s so special and so cool! Stay tuned for the full room reveal in two weeks.

In addition to finishing and shooting the bedroom, my week was jam packed and I’m ending it ready for the weekend in a big way. Amalia has five teeth coming in (yes, five!) and one broke through yesterday so we’re dealing with a major teething situation too. Luckily it hasn’t been too bad but she’s extra clingy and grinding her teeth like crazy. Frozen bananas have been our savior.

I’m looking forward to celebrating my very first Mother’s Day which will involve the usual brunch and some time to sneak away for a manicure. We were hoping for a beautiful day to walk on the beach but it looks like rain so we’ll be making the most of it with extra cuddles indoors. What are you up to this Mother’s Day?

Have a great weekend!

Crate & Barrel Dresser / Dash & Albert Rug c/o / Wall Paint / More Details to Come


Around the Web

If summer were a dress… this would be it.

6 awkward money situations. And how to handle them.

A mom’s viral letter to her husband. Damn, girl… Get it.

Gingham shell. So darling, so affordable, so good for summer.

The ultimate roof deck. I’ve been following Gray Malin’s one room challenge for six weeks now, so was heavily invested in his roof deck reveal. It couldn’t be more fabulous!

Speaking of room reveals. Mackenzie shared her preppy living room this week and it didn’t disappoint either.

Period coaching. Yep, it’s a thing.

Phone grip. Whenever I show a photo of the back of my phone I get questions about this phone grip. It makes texting and scrolling so much easier and looks cute too.

Advice from a talent manager. Jess interviewed someone who manages influencers for a living, and she had some interesting insight into the business of brand partnerships.

The comfiest wedges. I got these wedges at an event I did with Jack Rogers a few weeks ago. I hate wearing heels with a fiery passion but these are so comfortable that I would wear them all day long.

Can’t win ’em all. Dr. Dre lost a long-running trademark battle with a gynecologist named Dr. Drai. This whole situation was all kinds of ridiculous.

#Powermoms interview. Cover FX, a new beauty brand, shared a little interview with me!

Monogrammed zippered clutch. Baublebar is having a major sale this weekend and these cute clutches are included.

Instagrammable backdrops. If Jenn’s post doesn’t make you want to go to Scottsdale, I don’t know what will.

This week on Lemon Stripes

Turmeric Latte
Cool Girl Style
May Wish List

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  1. Allie said:

    I’m loving everything at J.Crew factory right now. That shell is so cute, I adore the bow!
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend and Mother’s Day!!

    5.11.18 · Reply
  2. Angela said:

    I loved all of the articles you shared this week! The money situations article was a good read for a broke college student, ha! Even in college, situations like that come up (and often too!) so it’s nice to know 1. I’m not alone, and 2. I have ways to handle it politely! Thanks for sharing!

    Angela | Cue the Coffee

    5.11.18 · Reply
  3. Kelsey said:

    I’ve been watching your Instagram stories about your bedroom and I am so excited to see the final product!
    Xo, Kelsey |

    5.13.18 · Reply