2014 in Review

Rainbow Wall

This year has been eventful for me to say the very least. At the beginning of the year, I had just started a new job with a healthy snack start-up that hadn’t even launched yet. My husband and I were living in a shoebox-sized apartment in Manhattan, and I was still running my online shop. It was pretty much 24/7 turmoil.

In May, my mom had a health scare which put a lot of things into perspective for me. It also started my coffee-drinking addiction which I am currently in the process of quitting. Holy headaches, though.

I made some big decisions to improve the quality of my life. I could have kept chugging along as-is but I knew that a burn-out was around the corner so I decided to shut down my boutique and focus on my job and Lemon Stripes. In September we made a quick, gut decision to move to Connecticut so that I could be closer to work and we could have a lot more space. Living in the ‘burbs has made me a better, calmer person and has started my season of killin’ it.

We launched Nourish Snacks in the spring and it has absolutely exploded. I was promoted to Marketing Director and I’m finally, for the first time in my life, so happy to go to work every day. I love my coworkers, my creative role in the company, and the product. I can’t wait to see what happens next year for Nourish.

2015 is going to be a big year for me personally too! I’m turning 30 in July (Eek!) and we’ll be celebrating that milestone in Italy, Anel and I are going to start looking for a house to buy, and we’ll be one more year closer to having children. Full disclosure, I don’t know yet when that will happen but not anytime in the next 6 months. I’m also excited to announce that starting in February, I’ll be working closely with Victoria to completely redesign and revamp this blog.

Until then, here is a look back at some of my favorite outfits from the last year. Thank you all for following along and I hope to bring you an eve Happy New Year!

Jan 2014

January 1 / 2

March 2014

March 2014

March 1 / 2

East End Kitchen


May 1 / 2



July 1 /2






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  1. Melissa said:

    Congratulations on your promotion!

    12.30.14 · Reply
  2. Jessica said:

    The black and white from April is hands down my favorite. I can’t wait to see the revamp once Victoria is done with it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Cheers to 2015!

    26 and Not Counting

    12.30.14 · Reply
  3. Samantha Cossick said:

    So many cute outfits this year! Congrats on so many great changes — there’s strength in recognizing when you need to take a step back and take care of yourself. Happy New Year! — SC at http://www.samanthachic.com

    12.30.14 · Reply
  4. stephie said:

    What a great year!! I can’t wait to see you even more in 2015 ๐Ÿ™‚

    12.30.14 · Reply
  5. Amye Mae said:

    You’re making me dream of sunnies and sunshine, and its not even the depth of winter yet!
    Love this peek behind your blog for 2014, and congrats on finding work that gives you purpose and keeping your priorities this year. Hope everyone’s health is good going into the new year!

    12.30.14 · Reply
  6. Briana Luca said:

    This kind of made me tear up. You have completely transformed your life in a year and I strive to do the same. Seriously, this post hit me hard and made me realize that if you just keep trying, wonderful things happen!

    Happy New Years and I’m looking forward to reading more posts in 2015 ๐Ÿ™‚


    12.30.14 · Reply
  7. Melissa Tierney said:

    LOVE that top photo <3


    12.30.14 · Reply
  8. Liz said:

    You’ve had a crazy year! I’m a huge fan of your blog and your polished black and white April look ๐Ÿ™‚


    12.31.14 · Reply
  9. Heidi D. said:

    You are amazing and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2015! Happiest of New Years to you!

    Heidi D.

    12.31.14 · Reply
  10. Emily said:
    1.2.15 · Reply